Sunday, August 31, 2008

Charlie's Halloween Costume

This is the last year Charlie will have no say in what he is for Halloween, I swear...
Here is a link to his costume. And for those of you who are wondering, yes I had to jump on it and order his costume two months in advance so as not to have a repeat of the frantic ebay-bidding of last year...

Little Red Sox Fan

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Mr. Noisy

Mr. Noisy out-did himself this evening. We went out to dinner with Phil, Sue, Tom and the kids, and Charlie was extremely happy and hyper to be out with his cousins. Throw in that he was out waaay past his bedtime and you arrive at the following:
SUE: "So Mike said you worked this afternoon?"
ME: "Yeah, just for --"
ME: "-- a couple hours --"
ME: "--this afternoon."
SUE: "Was it just paperwork, or --"
SUE: "--were you seeing patients?"
ME: "No, I was seeing --"
MANAGER: "Hi little fella, is everything okay?"
CHARLIE: (looking up without missing a beat) "Don't like my chicken."
MANAGER: "Oh, is that what it is? We could hear you all the way in the kitchen!"
ME: (mumbling incoherently and trying to slide under the table) "Sorry..."

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday Fun

Charlie's day involved a petting zoo in the morning -- here is Charlie and a chicken:

And an afternoon spent in Aunt Sue's parents' pool:

Afterwards he was so tired that he was in bed asleep by 6:40pm! Here's to more days like today!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Daddy Confusion

For weeks now, Charlie has taken to pointing to random men when we are out in public and telling me (loudly) whether or not they're Daddy. 99.9% of the time they aren't, so it goes something like this:
CHARLIE: (pointing to random man) "That's not Daddy!" (Pointing again) "Noooo not Daddy!" (Yet again) "It's not Daddy!"
This afternoon we were taking the elevator at the T stop so of course Charlie had to take advantage of the dead silence and confined space to particularly embarress me.
CHARLIE: (locking eyes with unsuspecting man) "That's MY Mama! You not Daddy!"
Thanks for the clarification, kiddo...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Keratin Straightening Experience

Supposedly, for the next 3 to 5 months, I can roll out of bed with my hair pretty much looking like this*

*This miracle only took 5 hours to accomplish.
**Sorry for the gratuitous boob shot but its not like I have anything down there anyway.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

How I Like to Watch The Backyardigans

aka I Don't Even Need A Fig Leaf.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Time Out!

Charlie has taken to doling out 'time outs' even more frequently than I do. The other day in the car I swatted at Mike for some comment he made only to hear the time out police in the back seat: "Mommy! No hitting Daddy! Time out!"

Or on the playground as some unwitting child brushes past him: "Hey! Hey guys! Time out!"

His stuffed animals are not exempt either. Last night I overheard him on the monitor: "Elmo! Elmo, stop it! Time out, Elmo!"

I just hope that whatever Elmo did he deserved it.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Charlie's Haircut

As you can tell from the video below, he was a little bit traumatized by the experience.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Too Old For This

All in all the Poison concert was a rockin' good time -- except for the part where the guy behind me barfed all over my purse... I suppose it could have been worse because a) he could have barfed all over the *contents* of my purse (everything inside was spared) and b) if I had actually been sitting in my seat he would have barfed all over my head and c) atleast I have an excuse to buy a new purse...

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

If This Week Doesn't Kill Me...

Yesterday I worked from 7am until 7:30pm, with a nice (not) half hour walk home to top off my day.

Today I worked from 7am till 11:30am when I got the Dreaded Call from daycare saying that Charlie was sick. This involved a mile and a half power walk to daycare to get him, and then a nice (not) mile and a half walk home carrying Charlie (did I mention he weighs over 30 lbs?) and the diaper bag and my pocket book in my arms because we did not have the stroller at daycare. Did I mention I woke up this morning with a stiff neck? Yeah -- now it is a stiff everything.

This evening I got to go back to work for an hour, and tomorrow morning I can look forward to working from 6am until ohhhh 6:45pm if I am lucky, 7:30pm if I am not. With of course the lovely walk up hospital hill and back to break up my day...

And did I mention I have a Poison concert to go to Thursday night?

Kill. Me. Now.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Caffeine Addict in the Making

This morning at 7am:
ME: "What do you want at Dunkin Donuts?"
CHARLIE: "Coffee!"

Sunday, August 3, 2008


For a complete link to Charlie's weekend, click here

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

Sleep Deprived -- A Rant

When exactly was my child supposed to start sleeping through the night? Because he still isn't. Atleast not lately.

I have been up for 17 hours so far and it is only 7:30pm. This is because Charlie woke up at two freaking thirty in the morning and I swear, did not go back to sleep.

He woke up calling: "Moh-tin! Moh-tin!" to which I sleepily got up and without question gave him a dose of the requested Motrin because I was too tired to think.

Then he got me up two more times with: "Potty! Potty!" Oh joy -- potty training opens up whole new worlds of sleep deprivation.

Somewhere in between the 4th time I got up and the 15th were "Too hot! Too hot!" and "Blanket broken! Blanket broken!" No honey it is WRINKLED not broken, and if you think I am going to come in here and straighten it out for you every 5 seconds you... you... well, you're right because that is exactly what I am doing right now.
