Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Sickness Continues

Just a quick post to update that while Charlie is recovering from his ear infection I am now sick with the swine flu. Slowly getting better I think but I am sure I won't be too post-y for the next few days...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Ear Infection Not Actually Avoided

So I spoke too soon a few posts back. Charlie woke up with a 102 degree fever this morning, about as miserable as he could be. Back to the doctor we went this afternoon where we discovered (of course) that he now has a full blown ear infection. He is now on 2 teaspoons of Amoxycillin 3 times per day for the next 10 days -- that is an awful lot of kitkats.*

*kitkats being the only thing I can bribe him with to actually take his medicine.

Wasted Effort

Yesterday afternoon I made chocolate chip cookies from scratch. I was very proud of myself and proudly showed them to Charlie when he came home. After whining all through dinner about wanting a cookie, he finally got to have one when he finished his dinner. He took one bite and pushed it away. "I don't like it -- I want Chips Ahoy!"

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ear Infection Avoided

Charlie has been complaining of an ear ache and his "teeth" and "tongue" hurting for the past couple days so we brought him in to the doctor today expecting that he had an ear infection. While he does have swollen glands, a little bit of a red throat, and questionable ears, he did not qualify as ill enough to warrant antibiotics. The 7 minute rapid strep test of course came back negative, but as we know from last time that means absolutely nothing; I'll be waiting for the "oops your kid does have strep" phone call in 48 hours...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Six Years And 1 & 1/4 Kids

We went to The Melting Pot for dinner last night to celebrate our anniversary. Charlie insisted on being included in the obligatory picture:

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hide & Seek

Here is Charlie playing Hide & Seek. Sadly, this is the best job he did at hiding all night:

They're Growing!

Grammy and Grampy Robinson gave us these cool animals that grow in water; we didn't get it together enough to do before pictures, but here is Charlie proudly displaying some of the humongus results:

Monday, June 15, 2009

Anniversary Post

It has come to my attention that this blog is now officially one year old! (Okay, officially one year and one day old, because of course I dropped the ball and couldn't remember *on* the actual anniversary date.)

So all I have to say is GO ME!! for keeping this blog up for so long.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Rainforest Cafe

We took Charlie to The Rainforest Cafe for lunch today, thinking that naturally he would love all of the mechanical animals and the rainforest theme. To our surprise, it was a love-hate relationship; while Charlie liked the animals at first glance, he was terrified when they would start moving. "I have to go potty!" he would cry whenever one of them would get going. He spent the first half of his meal quietly shifting his eyes around to the corners of the restaurant, watching, but did eventually warm up and start beating his chest back at the gorillas and yelling in usual Charlie fashion once I had assured him for about the 50th time that they weren't real.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Race Cars

For a little something different we went here for dinner this evening; they have a restaurant that overlooks the race track so you can watch people race as you eat. Charlie was thoroughly mesmerized by the "race cars" and didn't want to leave. (Then why won't you give Cars the time of day, kid?)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Cup of Cheerios & A Can Of Lysol Wipes...

... have now taken up residence on the back of the toilet. This is because while Charlie has graduated to standing up to pee in the potty, he has far to go before he masters the art. Any distraction results in pee flying everywhere. After the 4th or so incident of him showering the walls, we are now trying the "aim for the Cheerio" method, and well, the Lysol wipes are there for backup.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

What's In A Name

ME: (watching Charlie Brown with Charlie)"Is your name Charlie Brown?"
CHARLIE: "No, my name is Charlie Robinson."
ME: "What's my name?"
CHARLIE: "Your name is Jasmine."

Thursday, June 4, 2009


On Tuesday I finally got around to calling a locksmith to fix numerous door problems -- the back door has had a key broken off in it for about 6 months rendering it unuseable, and the front door has needed to be Charlie-proofed for quite some time. So the locksmith came out yesterday and installed new locks along with a dead bolt on the back door and swing latch on the front door. Charlie was not appreciative at all of these changes. He walked up to the front door this morning, flipped the bottom lock as usual, and attempted to open the door. I could hear him yell from upstairs where I was grabbing a sweatshirt: "MOMMY THE DOOR IS BROKEN!!!! I CAN'T OPEN THE DOOR!!!"

Yup, that was the whole idea, buddy!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's Official!

Our new little monkey is due 1/18/10! There is supposedly a baby in this ultrasound picture somewhere...