Monday, August 31, 2009

Sleep Update

Thanks to Good Night Sleep Tight by The Sleep Lady (and to Mandy for reading the relevant chapters for me) we now have a plan of action to eliminate the hours long drama of putting Charlie to bed. In conjunction with limitting his afternoon naps to no more than 1 1/2 hours and setting his bedtime a half hour earlier, I have started "checking" on Charlie, first 5 minutes after I put him to bed, then 10 minutes, and then in 15 minute intervals until he falls asleep. Last night it took 3 checks before he was asleep and he got out of bed 2 times. Tonight it took 3 checks before he was asleep and he got out of bed zero times!!! (As compared to say, 20 times a night last week.)

He still wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares, but we are tackling one thing at a time.

Thank you Sleep Lady!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

"Reach And Pull!"

Charlie has finally realized that if he wears his life vest he can actually "swim" without anyone hanging on to him -- here he is doggy paddling across the pool while saying "Reach and pull!" over and over to himself, courtesy of his swimming lessons at the Y.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Not A Good Week For Sleeping

Really it just boils down to another excuse for not blogging this week -- but seriously, Mandy can vouch for me -- I have been UNABLE TO DO ANYTHING this week because I am putting Charlie to bed for 2 to 3 hours each night. Last night he was up and out of bed every 5 minutes till after 11pm which I think might be a record of some sort. I am hoping it is a backlash from our vacation last weekend where he got to sleep in the same bed as me, or something that can be solved easily by reducing or eliminating his afternoon nap; if not, I am seriously in for it!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Shamelessly Lifted...

...from Mandy's blog, here is our attempt to get a picture of all 5 grandkids together for Mom's birthday. As you can see, we were less than successful thanks to Charlie being completely oblivious and Ben being sulky:

Chanticleer Garden

As if the zoo wasn't enough yesterday, we took Charlie to Chanticleer Garden outside of Philadelphia yesterday afternoon. It was very hot and we were all worn out but we still got some good pictures!

The Philadelphia Zoo

Probably the highlight of Charlie's trip was the Philadelphia Zoo with "Grampy Best and Grampy Paxton" yesterday; Charlie raced around like a maniac getting his fill of the lions and tigers and bears:

Academy of Natural Sciences

On Saturday we took Charlie to the Academy of Natural Sciences with Uncle Alex, Aunt Miki, Cousin Annie and Cousin Jay. Charlie had a great time, particularly enjoying digging for dinosaur bones with his cousins:

Sesame Place

We took Charlie to Sesame Place on Friday; here are some not-so-great-pictures. Charlie did not want his picture taken with any of the Sesame Place characters which is my lame excuse for not actually getting pictures of any of them, or of anything with the Sesame Place logo or anything that remotely identifyies the theme park as Sesame Place -- as Mom pointed out I might as well have taken him to a MacDonalds play place for all you could tell from these pictures...

Woefully Behind On Blogging

We had a busy week last week getting ready for our mini vacation to Philadelphia and an even busier trip! My apologies for the lack of blogs this month. Here I go trying to catch up!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

At The Lake

We finally made it up to Grammy and Grampy Robinson's house for the first time this summer and had a fun day on the lake yesterday:

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hand Me Down

I had resigned myself to buying an infant carseat this time around, after having used one of Ben's old ones for Charlie, which has now seen better days. But one of my co-workers brought in a gently-used gender neutral Graco snugride yesterday, so I am happy to report I will not have any carseat expenses for baby #2:

New Bike

We bought Charlie a little bike with training wheels on Friday. He has clearly been bicycle deprived, never having really even ridden a tricycle before. He still steadfastedly does not get how to pedal, proclaiming "I trying, Mommy, but it's very hard to do!" while he just rocks his feet back and forth on the pedals going no where. Here he is giving it another try:

Lack of Posts

I apologize for the lack of posts so far in August. I am blaming it on last week's marathon 70 hour work week, which finally ended yesterday. With this week's upcomng 50 hour work week, I will try to find more time to post and I am belatedly attempting to make up some lost ground today...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Growing Bean

I had my anatomical ultrasound today; baby is growing like a weed, already measuring a week bigger than he/she really is, and dancing around in there like crazy. Everything looks great; here is a pic: