Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Pancake Day?

For quite a while now Charlie has divided his weeks into "school days" and "waffle days" and every morning he asks which it is, a school day or a waffle day. Until today, that is, when he inexplicably switched foods: "Is tomorrow a pancake day?" he asked Mike on the way home from school and me again as I tucked him into bed. Apparently pancakes have now usurped waffles as his weekend breakfast food of choice.

Never Too Late For A Little Organization

This afternoon I finally got around to organizing Charlie's toys with the help of a shelf and bins purchased from Target. He spent the evening pulling out toys he didn't even know he had:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Almost A Gorilla

So I spent $75 on a gorilla costume for Charlie and he refuses to wear the head:

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Elmo Encounter

Yesterday we went to the mall and stopped in a new toy store that just opened up, thinking Charlie would have a fun time looking around. Little did we know that there was a man in an Elmo suit wandering the store -- unsuspecting Charlie turned around and saw Elmo waving at him and that was all it took; he shrieked and bolted headlong from the store, leaving me to lumber after him. When I finally caught up to him I explained, "Honey, it was just a man in an Elmo costume!"
"Oh-- why?" Charlie asked, clearly still undone.
"Because he thought it would be fun for the little boys and girls in the store to see Elmo!"
"Well it's not!" Charlie retorted.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Castle Island

We went to Castle Island for the first time today, which I am rather embarressed to admit seeing as we have lived on the South Shore for over 7 years now. After getting off to a rough start (we witnessed a drowning woman being pulled from the water) we had an enjoyable afternoon. Here are some pictures:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Halloween Costume

After much indecision Charlie finally chose a Halloween costume this year:
The Tom Arma Gorilla, which is definitely not my favorite, but since a) we couldn't find any Tyranosaurus Rex costumes that didn't suck, b) this is definitely the last year he'll be able to fit into a Tom Arma costume and c) he finally settled on something other than a T Rex for more than a 5 minute span of time, I decided we better go for it. I ordered it this morning and already got the shipping confirmation so it should be arriving shortly!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More Apologies for Not Blogging

I feel I owe another apology for my shameful lack of posts this month. I am working 12 hour days 6 to 7 days a week for another week and a half to save the rest of the money I need for maternity leave, and have had little time for blogging. I swear a belly pic will be coming soon, as will pictures of Charlie in his new fall clothes ("I'm a handsome boy!" he told me the other day while sporting new jeans and a new shirt.) And if I had been remotely up to blogging I would surely have blogged about our trip up to New Hampshire last weekend where Charlie caught his first fish. But alas, I have not been up to any of it. Maybe I would feel more motivated if someone would change my header pictures for me, to the ones I emailed her several weeks ago...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

20 Week Ultrasound Picture

We got a full view of the spine this time; baby got a perfect bill of health and weighs in at over a pound already!

Hard of Hearing

The following frustrating conversation took place yesterday evening:

ME: "How was your day?"
CHARLIE: "What?"
ME: "How was your day?"
ME: (louder) "How was your day?"
CHARLIE: "I can't tell you right now."