Sunday, October 25, 2009

And For Good Measure...

...We baked Halloween cookies this morning: (with a Brontosaurus thrown in):

Castle Island Halloween

We took Charlie to Castle Island's Halloween party today: he warmed up to his gorilla suit, got to go through an extremely un-scarry haunted house (which nonetheless it took 3 tries to get through and he referred to as 'the very scary place'), saw a magician and got to eat treats. Here are some pics:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Conjunctivitis & Strep

I have both. Which explains why I have felt like crap since Friday. I started on erythromycin for my eye and amoxicillin for my throat and am home from work for the rest of the week, so hopefully will be feeling better soon. I was just saying that I was all set since I already had the swine flu and got the seasonal flu vaccine the other week, but apparently being pregnant has left me with the immune system of a small furry helpless animal and there are plenty of other things to catch out there. Hopefully I will stay healthy for the rest of this pregnancy!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

All The Stops

This morning I took Charlie to see his new pediatrician so we found ourselves on our way to his daycare very late. Once Charlie realized that his chorus of "I don't wanna go to school... I don't wanna go to school... I don't wanna go to school..." wasn't getting him anywhere, he pulled out all the stops:
"Mommy, I just went to the doctor -- I'm too sick to go to school!"
"Mommy, you left your keys at home -- we have to go home!"
"Mommy, there's nobody at school; all my friends are home sick!"
And last but not least:
"Mommy, you don't loooove meeeee!"

He had me recalling fondly the days where I thought he might be speech delayed.

Coming To Terms

I think Charlie is finally coming to terms, in his own way, with having a new brother or sister. This morning he asked me, "Mommy -- You have a baby in your belly and I'm not allowed to squish it?"

This, believe it or not, is progress.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

27 Week Belly Shot

And I continue to get bigger...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Connors Farm

This morning we enjoyed a corn maze, bounce house, pony rides and apple cider donuts at Connors Farm, and I got some pictures of the New England fall foliage to boot:

Friday, October 9, 2009

Proof Positive...

... that Charlie has inherited my singing (in)ability:

Monday, October 5, 2009

Too Much Dora

The following conversation is how I know Charlie has been watching too much Dora The Explorer:

Charlie: (brandishing a large plastic dinosaur) "The dinosaur is going to eat you, Mommy! Tell the dinosaur to stop!"
Me: "Stop, dinosaur!"
Charlie: "Mommy, the dinosaur speaks Spanish! You have to tell the dinosaur to stop in Spanish!"

Not So Much A Work Of Art

So I made an apple pie this afternoon. Instead of just putting the top crust on, I decided it would be pretty to use a cookie cutter in the shape of a fall leaf, cut out leaves made of dough, and arrange them over the top of the pie. I swear I saw such a thing on the Food Network a while back... Anyway, let's just say the finished product tasted a lot better than it looked! I would like to say that the picture doesn't do it justice, and that you really can tell the top is decorated with leaves in real life, but that would not be the truth:

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Apple Picking

We went apple pciking at Honey Pot Hill Orchards this afternoon; Charlie was a self proclaimed champion apple picker: "I very good at picking apples! I a very good climber!" Here are some pictures.