Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Santa Comes Around Pretty Early In These Parts...

For Santa

Charlie left cookies, milk, a sippy of apple juice and this cryptic note for Santa:

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Lots of Snow

We woke up to lots of snow this morning -- here's a look at the 5 minutes of enjoyment Charlie got out of it before he decided it was waaay too cold and blowy for him:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

35 Week Belly Shot

Weekend At CoCo Key Water Resort

We spent the weekend at Coco Key Water Resort, figuring we owed Charlie one last special weekend before the baby rocks his world. All in all it was a very nice weekend -- the water park was not crowded at all, the hotel was very nice, we were able to check into our room immediately upon arriving yesterday morning which meant we didn't have to deal with lugging extra bags or changing in the locker rooms at the water park, and Charlie had a great time in both the water park and the arcade. I however, was pretty useless, dealing with not only the aches and pains of being 35 weeks pregnant, but still limping from just having had an ingrown toenail removed, and also dealing with an ear infection. So I must give Mike a shout out for running ragged with Charlie throughout the water park while I sat on the sidelines...
Here are some pics.

New TV

Thanks to a super deal at Best Buy and a little bit of wheeling and dealing we got this Panasonic 42 inch plasma for $420! I tried to convince Mike that we needed to replace the tv in the livingroom as well, but he wasn't feeling it...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Psychic Preschooler?

We are going to Coco Key Water Resort this weekend and I just had the following conversation with Charlie:
CHARLIE: "Daddy and Charlie are going to go to the water park with slides and Mommy is going to go to the hospital to have the baby come out of Mommy's belly?"
ME: "No! I'm going to the water park with you and Daddy!"
CHARLIE: "The baby is going to come out of Mommy's belly on the water slides?"

Lordy I hope not!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Holiday Pictures 2009

After a rather long afternoon at Kiddie Kandids we got our holiday pictures and Christmas cards done. Here are the pictures. For our Christmas cards (which will be going out this week I swear) we did half of them with picture #2 and half with picture #8.

Checking Out The First Snow

Charlie was a little bit taken aback by the first snow of the season -- he was very excited to go out in it until he realized it was cold. "I was wrong," he said, "The snow is not warm and cozy! It is very cold!"

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Tree 2009

Christmas tree 2009 looks very much like Christmas tree 2008 but Charlie lovingly announced, "Mommy it is the most perfect Christmas tree I ever saw!" And that is really all that matters:

The Newest Robinson...

... will arrive on Tuesday January 12th! If all goes according to plan...

Thanksgiving 2009

Here are a few pictures from our trip to Aunt Mandy's and Uncle Joel's. My apologies for the late post, and for the fact that my camera battery died just as I was gearing up for some good Cousins pictures...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Buttering Up*

Charlie must have been trying to butter me up for something tonight because he did an unprecedented amount of sweet talking:
"Mommy, I love your hair... Mommy, I love your lips... Mommy, your eyes smell like flowers..."

*Yes I wll get around to posting thanksgiving pictures and an update when the thought of going up to the third floor doesn't send me into premature labor...