Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Curse Of The Toenails Continues

Sunday night as Mike was pulling Charlie out of the bathtub he said, "Can you come look at his toe? He looks like he might have an ingrown toenail." I looked over and sure enough, Charlie's right big toe looked just like all of my recent ingrown toenails, complete with green puss, except in miniature. As Charlie showed it to me he said, "Don't touch it -- that's my broken toe." Not that he had remotely complained about said 'broken toe' before.

Since I already had a follow up with the podiatrist Monday morning for my toe that I had lasered last week (we are single handedly putting bread on this man's table) I marched Charlie into the exam room with me and made the doctor look at it after he looked at my toe. Sure enough, he confirmed it was an infected ingrown toenail which he was going to have to cut out. This news sent Charlie into hysterics ("Let's just put my Crocs back on and go!") until I had cousin Kyle come in from the waiting room (thankfully Aunt Sue and Cousin Kyle came down for the day to help us out with the appointment!) and calm him down. Then Kyle got to help me hold him down for the doctor, who decided the novacain shot would be atleast as painful as the actual procedure (I agree after having had it six times and was glad to skip it) and elected to do it without; it took him about 2.5 seconds, mercifully, but poor Charlie was just about done in. When he could finally get a word in he was yelling "The doctor cut a piece of my toe off! He cut a piece of my toe off ON PURPOSE!!" as I carried him through the waiting room and to the car.

Charlie did manage to rebound enough to enjoy lunch at Unos and to go swimming at Sue's parents' house. Today he says his toe is "still a little bit broekn" which seems to be an improvement. Mike is taking him back for a follow up tomorrow. We think the ingrown toenail is a result of an incident a couple weeks ago when Charlie banged his toe on something and split the nail and Mike had to cut it down further than usual. We'll be sure to ask the doctor tomorrow how to make sure we minimize his chances of ever getting another one again!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Walking With Dinosaurs

The Walking With Dinosaurs show was a big hit -- not only was Charlie not scared, he insisted on moving closer, and is already asking to see it again!
Here are some pics Mike was able to take with his cell phone:
Charlie gearing up for the show:

T Rex:

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Amelia & Tadhg

Amelia's boyfriend Tadhg came over for lunch; he is ten weeks younger than Amelia. Here are some pics. I was having fun posing them but Tadhg's mommy stopped me short of letting Tadhg ride on Amelia's back...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Amelia's Sitting Unsupported!

Amelia started sitting unsupported this week, albeit extremely precariously. Here she is showing off her new talent, moments before toppling over:

Happy Anniversary To Us!

Festivities for our 7th wedding anniversary included me getting my toe lasered this afternoon. We had been planning to go out to dinner yesterday but since I fired my mother's helper/babysitter a couple weeks back that didn't happen. On the up side, Mike is on his way home with thai food, atleast.

In other news Mike and Charlie are going to see this Saturday night in Providence, tipped off by Grampy Robinson who saw the show was touring again. Thank you Grampy Robinson! Hopefully Charlie will not run screaming from his seat when the dinosaurs come on... Amelia and I will just have a girls night in, as the show is past Charlie's bedtime, much less Amelia's, and the idea of subjecting her to roaring dinosaurs past her bedtime is just, well, not good.

We also finally signed Charlie up for swimming lessons at the Weymouth club, which start the second saturday in July, and the goal of which is to have Charlie swimming unassisted by the end of the eight week session. Yay!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Charlie Picked Out His Own Clothes This Morning

The picture doesn't do it justice. He is wearing a blue and brown shirt & lime green shorts, with crocs & socks pulled up as high as he could get them.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


We had a great trip to Charlotte, visiting Aunt Mandy, Uncle Joel, Cousing Ben and Cousin Becca! The highlights included Amelia's first airplane ride (a rousing success), going to the pool and the splash park, barbecuing, going to Monkey Joes, going fishing at the lake (Ben did catch a tadpole if you wnt to get technical) and generally just being together! Here are a bunch of pics:

Monday, June 7, 2010

Gone Fishin'

We spent a rather exciting day at the lake yesterday, the highlights of which included Charlie falling overboard off Grammy & Grampy Robinson's boat, and Charlie catching 2 fish! Here are some pics :)