Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pinkberry Comes to MA!

Pinkberry, the frozen yogurt chain that is apparently sweeping the nation, opened its first MA branch at the Derby Street Shoppes in Hingham last weekend. I went last Monday and have been waiting all week to go back. We finally got there this evening and it was delicious!! I had pomegranite frozen yogurt with raspberries, blueberries, fruity pebbles and pomegranite syrup. Mmmm.... As you can tell I had to sample a few bites before I took the picture:

Next time I am thinking cococut with kiwis, strawberries and mango...

Strange Request

With summer swim lessons over and the fall session not starting for 2 weeks, Mike told Charlie that they could do whatever he wanted, since they didn't have swimming lessons to go to. Charlie replied promptly that he wanted to go to the zoo in his pajamas, and well, that is just what they did while I was at work today:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Amelia Not Crawling

(But looking awfully cute nonetheless.)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Amelia's Passport Picture

Getting Amelia's passport photo proved to be slightly more complicated than we had anticipated. First we went to Ritz Camera, because they advertized 'passport pictures' in their window. However, we were told that they did not have the "necessary equipment" to do infant passport pictures, which needed to be done with the infant lying down. (Pointing out that Charlie's were done at the age of 6 months with him sitting on Mike's shoulders did not help.) Then we went to a portrait studio which informed us that yes they did passport pictures for infants but that they were booked solid for the next several hours. Finally we went to the CVS that had done Charlie's passport picture. The lady there plopped a piece of poster board on the floor by the candy rack, popped Amelia on to it and started snapping away. Here is the final product, cropped to hide the fact that Amelia was clutching her feet in both hands:

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday Update

We spent Saturday night and Sunday at Grammy & Grampy Robinsons; Charlie got to roast his first marshmallow over his first campfire. Initially he was scared -- of the dark, of the people down the street lighting off fireworks, etc -- but eventually he started to enjoy it. Here is a pic of him and Mike toasting jumbo marshmallows on jumbo sticks:

Sunday we caught umpteen fish, none of them picture worthy, but I swear the big one is lurking in that lake somewhere. We even tried leaving the smaller fish we caugh on our hooks as bait, until that idea was abandoned for a) being fruitless and b)being cruel and unusual punishment.

In other news, this week I tried out Stop 'N Shop's grocery delivery service and I am HOOKED! Aside from having a code for free delivery for sixty days and having our Sundays -- the one day Mike and I are home together -- fully to ourselves with no grocery trip looming, *I* actually get to shop, perusing the aisles from the computer. And really, there is not much I like to do more than online shopping, even if it *is* for bread and milk. (But did I mention they have milk fortified with omega 3 fatty acids? These are the things you do not find out when you send your husband to the grocery store every week.)

Amelia is slightly grumpier than usual (a bit of an oxymoron I suppose since she is never grumpy) and I assume it is because she is teething; still waiting for that first tooth to poke through! In the meantime, she has inherited Charlie's old Fisher Price piano and has been banging away all day at it.

Charlie has another ingrown toenail but this time I took him to his pediatrician who prescribed keflex and said that it should clear up on its own between the antibiotic and the warm soaks and ointment we had already been doing. She says she never has to cut them, for which Charlie (who would only let her look at his toe from across the room) and I are extremely grateful.

That is about all the news from here! An extremely long post about nothing...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's Official!

Thanks to Grammy Bess & Grampy Paxton we will be going on vacation in Costa Rica and staying here January 19th to the 25th! Amelia's passport is in the works and Charlie can't wait to 'go to the jungle and see some poison dart frogs'! And neither can I!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Fishing & Family

This morning we went... drumroll please... FISHING!! (Umm, did the sarcasm come through? We have been fishing I believe the last 5 out of 6 weekends now.)

The only photo worthy fish was this one, and Charlie as per usual, would not get in the picture:

Afterwards we went over to Phil & Sue's for a barbecue and for some birthday cake, as Sue discovered that Tom ironically shared a birthday this week with his nemesis, President Obama. She therefore fittingly had this cake made for the occasion:

All in all, a fun day!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Charlie & Amelia

Amelia's First Boat Ride

We got to Grammy & Grampy Robinson's bright and early yesterday morning and all went out on the boat -- Charlie caught lots of little 3 inch fish and Amelia thoroughly enjoyed her first boat ride. Here are some pics: