Monday, January 31, 2011

Please Tell Me...

Where we are supposed to put the next foot of snow we are getting tomorrow and wednesday?
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Amelia's One Year Check Up

Amelia had her one year well visit this morning. She is 21lbs 15 oz and 30 inches tall, which is 50th percentile for weight and 80th for height. She had to have a finger prick for lead and iron levels, which she screamed bloody murder about. Unfortunately her iron level came back low so we have to go for a venous blood draw next week. After seeing what an ordeal the finger prick was, let's just say I am not looking forward to that blood draw! But otherwise Amelia is perfectly healthy and developing right on track!

The Big Catch

Here is the 60 lb wahoo Mike and Dad caught in Costa Rica!
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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Walking (Sort Of)

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Conversations With A Howler Monkey

Mom learned to speak Howler Monkey while we were in Costa Rica and became an expert at getting our resident monkeys all riled up. Here is a video:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Long Journey Home

We had quite the adventure getting home yesterday- first our flight from Liberia to Miami was canceled and we were booked on a flight that departed seven hours later. Then we were told our connecting flight from Miami to Boston was also canceled, forcing us to fly to Miami, change carriers, fly to Atlanta, and then to Boston. All told it took almost 24 hours to get home and we got in the door just before 2am this morning. The kids were total troopers; here are some pictures of them camped out at Liberia airport, which literally is pretty much outdoors. The last picture is of Amelia when we finally landed at Logan after midnight.
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Monday, January 24, 2011

One Last Dinner On The Beach...

...before heading back to the frozen Northeast tomorrow...
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A Last Dip In The Pool

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Arenal Volcano

We had a full day today which included a trip to a waterfall, a stop at an animal rescue center and a trip to the Arenal volcano. The pictures above are roughly in that order: 1) The kids at the waterfall 2) Charlie at the rescue center 3) Me and Charlie at the Arenal volcano, 4) Amelia at the Arenal volcano and 5) Charlie practicing his native drumming skills. Ps it is too much trouble to figure out how to rotate the pictures from my phone, sorry!
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Saturday, January 22, 2011


The fresh catch of the day at El Valero restaurant courtesy of Mike and Dad.
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First Encounter With A Mustache

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Bigger Fish

Dad and Mike went fishing this morning and caught a 60lb wahoo, which apparently are extremely delicious. Unfortunately, it had to be cut up into steaks on the boat, hence the picture of them proudly holding a big bag instead of a fish. We took it to the local restaurant where it is barbecue night tonite and they will cook it up for us for $6 a person. I can only imagine the rest of it will show up on the specials menu, because it is enough fish to feed the entire restaurant!
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Friday, January 21, 2011

Swimsuit Model

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Palo Verde Wildlife Tour

This morning we took a river boat cruise down the Tempisque River in Palo Verde national park. We spotted all sorts of wildlife including crocodiles (Charlie's favorite) monkeys, iguanas, and lots of exotic birds. Charlie also had a close encounter with an ox on our way down to the river. Here are some pictures from our excursion.
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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Big Fish

Mike and Charlie went fishing this morning and had a successful trip!
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Here are some pictures of the house we are staying in in costa rica. As per the previous post we arrived uneventfully this afternoon
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We're Here!

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011


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Guess this means...

We're off to costa rica first thing (and I do mean first) tomorrow morning! Will try to keep the blog updated while we're there!
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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Rub A Dub Dub

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Thursday, January 13, 2011


I never thought I would hear these words coming out of my mouth but tonight at dinner I found myself saying, "Charlie, you can't just eat asparagus for dinner; you need to eat some of your chicken too!"
Here is a picture of my asparagus lover...
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fun Work

The other day Charlie asked me: "Mom, why does Daddy have the really boring work and you have the really fun work?"

"How do you figure my work is really fun?" I asked, wondering what in the world he could be talking about.

"Because," he answered, "You have fish tanks at your work!"

Ah if only all it took were fish tanks...
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Monday, January 10, 2011

It Wouldn't Be A First Birthday Without...

... The obligatory 'then' and 'now' pics!


Happy birthday baby girl!!


Charlie and Amelia had to get shots today in preparation for our trip to Costa Rica next week. Charlie got the typhoid vaccine and Amelia got the hepatitis A vaccine along with her routine one year shots. Here they are in the doctors office waiting for their shots with Mike.
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The Next Michael Jackson?

Ok I swear to you he is not actually grabbing his crotch in the beginning...
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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Amelia's First Birthday

We celebrated Amelia's 1st birthday today at Grammy & Grampy Robinson's. We had a great time & here are some pictures of the Birthday Girl from the day:

Birthday Video

As you can tell from the pictures above, she did eventually warm up to the cake!