Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Amelia's First Haircut

Before & After... (Yes I do know they are virtually indistinguishable, hence why she didn't charge me...
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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Kindergarten Screening

Charlie had his kindergarten screening this afternoon. Since Mike wasn't allowed to go in the room with him and Charlie wouldn't volunteer any information afterwards, we still have no idea as to exactly what the screening involved, except that the teacher said Charlie did fine. One step closer to kindergarten!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Blonde and Feathered. Literally.

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Amelia Rocking Out To The ABCs

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Monday, May 23, 2011


I don't know about you, but my money is on Amelia...
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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Conversations with Amelia

Ok sorry I was holding the phone the wrong way in this video, here is Amelia grudgingly saying a few words...
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Monday, May 16, 2011

5 Year Check Up

Charlie had his 5 year check up this morning. He is 47 inches tall (99th percentile) and 51lbs (95th percentile). Doc said his height to weight ratio is fine for now but we are going to step it up with the healthy snacks! He only had to have 1 shot, which we didn't tell him about until the very end so I only had to listen to 5 minutes of tearful whining instead of a whole morning of it. His vision tested at 20/30 in both eyes and he's not red/green color blind. All in all he is perfect to start kindergarten in the fall!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Kicking Off Fishing Season

Yesterday we celebrated Mothers Day up in New Hampshire with Grammy and Grampy Robinson and kicked off fishing season at the same time. Unfortunately, despite rumors of large rainbow trout in the lake this year, the fish were just not biting. Mike and Charlie only got one bite the whole time they fished, and the biter got away. Oh well, better luck next time!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Charlie's Pirate Birthday

Here are some photos from Charlie's birthday party. The eventful day included shooting an enemy pirate ship with water cannons to reclaim buried treasure, hauling up a lobster trap (which I have to say had a lot of other critters in it besides lobsters) and racing crabs. Charlie says his birthday was fun but next year he wants to shoot *real* pirates. I told him we'd look into booking his next birthday party in Somalia...

Happy Birthday Charlie!

Charlie had a fun filled birthday party aboard the Lobster Tale. Pictures to follow!
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