Saturday, July 30, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Fishing, Fun & Sun

We had a nice visit up to New Hampshire yesterday -- Charlie caught four fish & Mike caught a cat fish, the first we have seen in the lake. Heather & Matt came up for the day and we had a nice day swimming in the lake, taking a ride on the boat, and of course, fishing. Here are some pictures from the day.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Splish Splash

We went to the Weymouth Club today with our friend Katie and her 4 1/2 month old baby Kyla, to introduce Kyla to the pool for the first time!
Here is Katie and Kyla, enjoying her first afternoon at the pool:

And here are me and Amelia -- Charlie refused to get in the picture...

Thanks for a fun afternoon at the pool, Katie & Kyla! (Or as Charlie calls them, "Kyla and Lyla" because he for some reason has a mental block on Katie's name...)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Clark Reunion

We went to a barbecue last night with some of my old Clark University friends; here we are, from the class of 1998...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

New High Score...

Charlie now holds the family's new high score in Fruit Ninja!
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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Trip to Charlotte

We had a great trip to visit Aunt Mandy, Uncle Joel and cousins Ben and Becca! We kept busy going to the pool, out to dinner, to Sports Connection where the kids played laser tag and bounced on the inflatables, and just hanging out outside playing wiffle ball and catching fireflies. Here are about 1001 pics (okay really 94) from our trip. Thanks for the visit Aunt Mandy and Uncle Joel!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

More Pictures...

Heather and I took the kids to the pool today, and I figured out how to take pictures in sepia and black & white, so here are some more pictures...

Monday, July 4, 2011

New Camera and NH Pics

I finally bought a camera to replace my Canon digital Rebel that has not worked since jamuary; this one is a Canon Powershot s95, my first non SLR digital camera. Aside from the nifty feature of being small enough to put in my pocket, the camera has tons of different settings including black & white, ultra vivid, poster-izing effect, color accent (black & white except for the selected color of your choice) as well as having settings for shooting in snow, at the beach, underwater, fireworks, and one for shooting fast moving subjects such as kids and pets.

We went to New Hampshire yesterday, so I got to try out my new camera and Charlie and Amelia had lots of fun with family friends' eight year old twins, who were up visiting for the day as well. Here are some pics of the day trying out some of the special effects of the camera...