Monday, October 31, 2011

Grudgingly Costumed

Since I couldn't get Amelia to keep her cat ears and nose on (and then the cat nose was lost at daycare to further complicate matters) I dug out Charlie's old skunk costume. Amelia grudgingly agreed to put it on after I explained that this was the only way she would get to go to our next door neighbor's house to get chocolate. I only took her to three houses, as it was our job to stay home and pass out candy while Mike took Charlie out, but she somehow managed to score quite a bit of candy for just three houses... Here she is as my cute little stinker :)
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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Not So Snowy Weekend

At least in Quincy, anyway!
Despite predictions of six inches of snow last night, we woke up to find barely a dusting - not even picture worthy. Other parts of the area were not so lucky, with parts of MA and NH getting two feet of snow! Uncle Phil and Aunt Sue are currently without power in Billerica, as are Heather & Matt in Dracut. I am guessing Grammy and Grampy Robinson are without power too, but atleast they have a generator. Here we just had a very windy and rainy night.

Last night after work I dragged Mike and the kids out in the wind and rain to the Hingham shipyard, thinking that we would try out the Wahlbergs' latest restaurant there, a burger joint called Wahlburgers. I erroneously thought that the bad weather would keep people away -- no such luck. The line was three people deep and right to the door, so we skipped it and went to Panera instead. Afterward we went across the street to Old Navy where I attempted to shop for the kids while Amelia was a little devil child and pulled everything off the shelves and all the balls out of the bins (but really, what do you expect, Old Navy, when you have random bins of brightly colored balls throughout the store, and don't even get me started on all the crap you have in the check out line.) That store is basically just begging for toddler tantrums.

Today we spent the afternoon at Kate and Brian's house, where Charlie and Finn had a blast playing together and Amelia was actually cute and sweet until it got past her bedtime and she got cranky. Both kids fell asleep in the car on the way home (no wonder especially for Charlie, seeing as Finn has a trampoline, jungle gym AND a zip line, all of which the boys played pretty hard on.

All in all a fun weekend!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Scary Pumpkin

According to Amelia, anyway.
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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Amelia's Halloween Costume

(She won't actually wear it)
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Monday, October 24, 2011

Charlie's Pumpkin Patch Entry

Hopefully it won't rot before he gets it to school tomorrow. I did shellac it with clear nail polish, for what that's worth...
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Corn Maize

We took the kids to Marini Farms in Ipswich this afternoon, where we picked our pumpkins (one little one for Charlie to decorate for his school's "pumpkin patch" and one extremely giant one for us to carve, I am already dreading scooping out the insides of that one...) and went through the corn maize. The corn maize was extremely big and it got extremely tiring carrying Amelia through it, so we eventually cheated and asked one of the workers to direct us the fastest way out. The kids also enjoyed the "jumping pillow" or whatever they called it -- we let them go on twice, and both times Amelia had to be dragged off kicking and screaming when her ten minutes was up ("NOOO!! MY TURN!!! I JUMPY!!!") Charlie also got to try his hand at shooting potatoes out of a cannon before we left. Here are some pictures from the afternoon:

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Apple Crisp

After two apple pies, two apple cakes and the above pictured apple crisp, I am happy to report we are officially down to single digit apples...
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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Charlie Ninja

After telling us for months that he wanted to be a ninja for Halloween, Charlie did not disappoint when we got to the costume aisle.
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Monday, October 10, 2011

Long Weekend

With Mike and Charlie both off for Columbus Day we enjoyed the long weekend up in NH. The weather was perfect -- we enjoyed one last boat ride before the season ended and the boys enjoyed what is probably the final fishing of the year. Mike and Charlie even took a dip in the lake, but it looked awfully cold in there!! Here are a few pictures from the boat:

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Picture Day

Hopefully the photographer had better luck capturing a smile than I did...

Monday, October 3, 2011

Home Made Apple Pie!

The best part? The kids won't touch it!
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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Lots of Apples

We had a great time apple picking this afternoon, lots of apple themed baked goods sure to follow!