Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ladies Night

So my newest discovery (thanks Katie!) is that Red Sky, an upscale restaurant/lounge in Fanieull Hall has a ladies night every Tuesday from 5p to 9p where ladies get a free 3 course dinner with a $10 drink purchase. It is also extremely conveniently located right around the corner from the T stop, making it impossible for even me to get lost going there. So the upshot is I met two friends there for dinner tonight and between the three of us we had 7 drinks, 3 salads, 3 entrees and 3 desserts for a grand total of $56. Umm hello can you guess where I will be going every Tuesday night that I get the chance.... Seriously.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Blowing Bubbles

Blowing bubbles, snapping fingers, tying shoes... What is next on the list of skills to be conquered?
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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Discovery Kids Museum

I took a much needed vacation day and we met our friends Katie & Jason and their baby Kyla for lunch and then went to the Discovery Kids Museum in Acton. There was lots to do and the kids all had a great time! Here are some pics:

Friday, March 23, 2012

First Poop In The Potty!

May there be many more to come!
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Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy Spring!

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Goings On

We had a nice weekend, with just a little bit of hectic-ness thrown in. I worked Saturday, as usual, and Anthony babysat for us Saturday night. We had been planning to go to Stockholders, a steakhouse in Weymouth, but Mike's drivers side mirror inexplicably fell off earlier in the week and the toyota dealership cut it off (it had been hanging) and then told Mike they couldn't put a new one on til Tuesday night, leaving him mirror-less. So instead of having him drive in the dark with no mirror, we walked over to Alba, an upscale Mediterranean restaurant right in Quincy Center, and had a delicious dinner nonetheless.

On Sunday Mike wrestled with the taxes for a while and then we went out to lunch and to Target where I got Amelia some much needed spring/summer clothes, and not a moment too soon, as it is currently 78 degrees out and expected to be in the high 70s to mid 80s for the rest of the week!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Don't Get On Her Bad Side

Amelia hitting the crap out of a punching bag in the upstairs gym of the taekwon do studio...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Yellow Stripe

Charlie successfully tested for his yellow striped belt in taekwon do this evening! For future reference we will so totally get a babysitter for his next belt test, as the entire process was almost 3 hours long & Amelia had a 6th sense so both when it was Charlie's turn to test and when they called him up to present his new belt, she had a meltdown and had to be removed from the studio, causing me to miss both occasions...
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Report Card

Tuesday night was report card night. I am happy to report that Charlie got good marks in all areas, with his teacher expressing no areas of concern. He no longer needs to see the reading specialist for extra help in phonics and continues to be well behaved in school. I managed to promptly lose Charlie's report card right after getting it, so I really have no specifics, but I did see lots of 4s and "+"s which indicate that he is exceeding expectations in academic and social areas, respectively. I just don't know what academic and social areas because I didn't actually manage to read it before I lost it... Oh well...

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Busy Week Ahead

We are wrapping up the weekend and gearing up for a busy week! On the agenda this week in addition to the usual work, school, Taekwon do and swimming lessons: parent/teacher conferences, school book fair/bake sale, registration for the next story hour session at the library, a doctors appointment and Charlie is testing for his yellow stripe Thursday night. It is also supposed to be a gorgeous week with temperatures approaching 70 degrees so I am hoping to spend some time outside tomorrow and Tuesday. Maybe I'll even try to take some pictures...

Amelia & Aunt Sharon

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I Love My Carbs

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Monday, March 5, 2012

One Of Those Kids

Apparently Amelia is one of those kids- you know, the ones you've heard about who like to get undressed and smear poop all over their cribs? I never actually thought I would have one of those kids but lo and behold for a second day in a row now... "Mommy, there's poop in my cribby!" And not only is it in her crib it's on her hands, the bottoms of her feet, the backs of her thighs...

Please, honey, I beg of you: KEEP YOUR POOP IN YOUR DIAPER!!
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Flying Underwear

The kids made flying underwear at story hour this morning after reading all sorts of books about, you guessed it, underwear. Here is Amelia prancing around with hers...
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