Friday, September 28, 2012

A Long 24 Hours

Last night our car was broken into at a local restaurant and my purse was stolen. It unfortunately contained not only my wallet with all my IDs but also my passport, the house & car keys, my digital camera, a pair of designer sunglasses and 2 pairs of prescription eye glasses with designer frames not to mention the purse and wallet themselves were worth $600 together. So yeah it has been a looong 24 hours of canceling credit cards, filing claims with various insurance companies, calling locksmiths and the like. So you can hardly blame Mike and I for needing a little booze...

Vampire Girl

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Back To School Night

Today was Back to School Night so we got to meet Charlie's teacher and see his classroom for the first time. His teacher observed that he loves amphibians and reptiles, surprise surprise...

The Fate Of Cinqo

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Potty Training Update

We have pretty much spent the past 2 days camped out just like this! So far the tally stands at 4 peepees in the potty,1 poop in the potty, 5 accidents and 3 loads of laundry. All in all I'd say we're making progress!
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Monday, September 24, 2012

Potty Training By Fire

We have nothing else on our agenda today except peeing and pooping in the potty! And doing lots of laundry!
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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Last Day Of Fishing Season

Mike and Charlie had a good day fishing up at the lake today - the fish must have been hungry because they were literally fighting over the worms! I have a feeling it's going to be a long six months of listening to "when can we go fishing again..."
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Grammy & Amelia Feeding The Birds

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Grammy's Birthday Present

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Must Be Fall

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Sunday, September 16, 2012


This is a picture of Amelia and Cinqo her new imaginary friend. Cinqo (Sinko?) mysteriously appeared at the playground this afternoon and is apparently a large orange mouse.

Never having been down the imaginary friend road before I can report that it is rather annoying, especially because Charlie has been finding it extremely amusing to "take" Cinqo and run, prompting a lot of whining on Amelia's part and a lot of reprimanding on mine. ("Charlie, give the imaginary orange mouse back to your sister please!!")

Hoping Cinqo doesn't stay with us for too long...
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Friday, September 14, 2012

First Test

Charlie aced the first test of his academic career, way to go Charlie!
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Dentist Appointment

Amelia had her first dentist appointment this morning, thanks to a brown spot on one of her back teeth that Mike noticed a week or so ago.

As you can tell from the before and after pictures above, she was fine until she was actually forced to open her mouth!

According to Mike, the enamel didn't form properly on the tooth in question so we need to be extra vigilant about brushing and sugary snacks. However, he says I may want to call and double check this, as it was awfully hard to hear what the dentist was saying over Amelia's screaming...
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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day Report

Charlie pronounced his first day of first grade to be "awesome", despite his misgivings of the past week. His new teacher, Mrs Norton "is nice, and younger than you, Mom, she just got married in July."

He knows only two kids from his kindergarten class last year, and reports there are a lot of girls in his class, which is a welcome change seeing as last year he was in a class of 15 boys and 4 girls.

The highlight of the day seemed to be actually getting to pay for lunch himself with his lunch money (apparently in kindergarten the teacher would collect the lunch money herself.)

Tomorrow is a day off due to local elections and no homework til Monday so we'll see how the first real week of school goes next week!
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My Big First Grader & Preschooler

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First Day Of 1st Grade!

Good luck Charlie!!
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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back To School Hair Cut

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BBQ & More Snakes...

We went to Katie and Jason's yesterday for a Labor Day barbecue. Apparently Katie really did stock her yard with snakes as she promised Charlie she would, because he caught three of them. Fortunately they seem to be smaller than the ones we have here in Quincy. Here he is holding up snake # 2 or #3...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Fall Fashion Preview

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Back To School Shopping!!

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