Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Candy Land

Mike & Charlie were the only ones who made it to the Weymouth Club tonight for spin class & the Energy Center because Amelia spiked a fever this afternoon.

Amelia and I have been occupying ourselves playing board games; I discovered that Amelia is a vicious Candy Land player! Here she is talking smack as she takes her turn.

Three Year Check Up

Amelia had her three year check up this morning, which went considerably better than her two year check up (last year she screamed her head off to the point where they couldn't even get a height or weight on her much less do anything else. ) This morning Amelia weighed in at 32 lbs and 38 inches tall (how she pulled that off I don't know because I swear she is really only 36 1/2 inches) which puts her at 65th percentile for both height and weight.

She was very talkative this time, telling the doctor that she wants "to be taller but I'm still not taller yet, I'm still smaller," and spending a considerable amount of time arguing with him about eating her vegetables.

Fortunately she did not need any shots today so after he had amused himself talking to her for a while, the doctor pronounced her in perfect health (despite the lack of vegetables.)

Monday, January 28, 2013

First Gymnastics Class

Amelia had a great time at her first gymnastics class. Her teacher, Miss Kim, said she was a great listener, too! After class was over Amelia saw a bunch of little girls going into the dance studio next door for a tap class and said "Mommy! We forgot about the dance class!" Apparently there is a six week introductory dance class over the summer, so I sense that will be in our future too :-)

Here are some pictures from Amelia's first gymnastics class:

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Birthday in New Hampshire

We headed up to New Hampshire today to celebrate Amelia's birthday with Grammy & Grampy, who weren't able to come to Amelia's party because they were sick.

Here are a few pictures of Amelia with her birthday cake:

Friday, January 25, 2013

Amelia & Santa

Here is a belated picture of Amelia on Santa's lap at her preschool Christmas party. (Is that my kid actually smiling on Santa's lap??)

Movie Night

Tonight was Movie Night at Charlie's school. Here are the kids camped out on the floor of the cafeteria eating popcorn and M&Ms before the movie ("The Lorax") started.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Say "Gymnastics!"

Amelia is starting gymnastics classes on Monday, much to her delight. Here she is modeling her leotard and saying "Gymnastics " for the camera.

Charlie's foray into sports classes at the age of three was an abysmal failure (remember basketball classes at the Weymouth Club where he insisted on running around on all fours like a panther?) so we'll see how this goes! I'm sure I'll have a full report on Monday!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


With today's high of 27 being the warmest it's predicted to get for the next week & more snow in the forecast for Friday and Saturday, we are officially counting down the days to Costa Rica -- 2 weeks from today!! Here is Amelia trudging to the bus stop with us this morning.

Monday, January 21, 2013


We took the kids to CoCo Key water park today since Mike & Charlie had off for Martin Luther King Day; after 2 days at the Weymouth Club this weekend and today at the water park, I think it's safe to say they are now thoroughly waterlogged!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

How To Watch The Football Game Undisturbed

Run the kids ragged at the pool then stuff them full of food & let them sack out in front of cartoons :-)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Tuesday Spin

Mike and I started a spinning class at the Weymouth Club this evening; since Amelia turned three she has graduated from the boring infant/toddler room at the Weymouth Club and can now go in the cool 3-7 year room with Charlie, which includes all sorts of neat climbing structures, cargo nets, rope ladders, and things. This made the kids excited to go, an added bonus. We didn't actually make it all the way through the hour long class because Amelia had a pee pee accident (umm did I neglect to show her where the bathroom was?) but my thighs are burning none the less!

We are hoping to make this a twice weekly event and I am very excited about getting back to the gym!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Living Proof

That you can find salamanders in January. Particularly if it is 54 degrees out.

Another Fun Playdate At The Children's Museum

Here are a couple pictures; the kids enjoyed seeing themselves on tv, playing with projected butterflies, playing in one of the many water tables, and sleeping on a mat on the floor of the Japanese house.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Birthday Video

Amelia's Birthday Party

Amelia's birthday party at Ginger Betty's was lots of fun; the kids got to decorate 2 ginormous gingerbread cookies, eat pizza & cake, & have their faces painted. It was well run & included just about everything --paper goods etc -- so it was not only fun & a good deal, but hassle free! Here are some pictures. I tried to do a slide show but was having technical difficulties on the Mac... (Mandy how do I post a slide show from Picassa on the Mac? It says I have no RSS reader...)

Heading Out To Amelia's Birthday Party!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Rockin Out With Daddy

Birthday Dinner

We took the kids to Friendly's for a birthday dinner. Here is Amelia with the stuffed kitty Charlie gave her for her birthday, and chowing down on her birthday sundae.

Birthday Girl!

Happy birthday Amelia!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Amelia Plays Croquet

Where she heard about croquet, I have no earthly idea!


Enough hair to actually do something with, just in time for her third birthday!

First Pedicure

Note to self: If you paint your almost-three year old's toenails in the middle of January be forewarned that she will then want to wear flip flops for the rest of the day.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


We took the kids to the dinosaur exhibit at the Seaport convention center this afternoon on Grampy Robinson's suggestion. The dinosaurs were animatronic and were very cool, moving with lots of sound and light effects. Charlie also got to go panning for fossils. However, the other attractions were a bust because of extremely long lines. Even the line at the gift shop was far too long for the kids to buy something. We actually felt bad and took the kids to Toys R Us afterwards since they didn't get to do so much of the exhibit!

There were some great photo ops with the dinosaurs though:

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Imaginary Sister

Amelia introduced me to Holly, her imaginary sister, today. Apparently Amelia and Holly are twins, because Holly is also two. Holly has long brown hair and black eyes and "looks like a princess". Amelia says Holly plays hopscotch and hide and seek with her. She spent a large part of the evening before bed wandering around the house looking for Holly's hiding spot, much to Charlie's annoyance -- "Who is Holly??"

I am thinking pretty soon we are going to need a bigger house for this imaginary friend menagerie...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Tradition

This is the 2nd New Years in a row that we have spent at the Weymouth Club followed by lunch & Pinkberry. I guess it is now a Robinson family tradition :-)

Yes Be Very Afraid

Here is Amelia fully engrossed in the Nordstrom catalog. She looked up and said "Mommy, I like this book! What's it called?"