Thursday, February 26, 2015

Officially Registered!

For kindergarten, that is!

So Much For A Foot Of Snow

The local weather service reported that we were supposed to get eight to ten inches of snow or even more today. In preperation for the impending storm my work paid to put up all first shift nurses and CNAs in a nearby hotel so that they could get to work, and both the kids' schools were closed. The reality? Maybe 1/2 inch if that? At least we still got free lunch at work "for coming in in the snow storm" ;-)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Mr Mom

After a stressful 4 1/2 months at Bank of America Mike gave his notice on Friday. As was rather expected, his boss declined to have him work out his notice, making Friday his last day. 

Coincidentally I started full time with Heritage Healthcare last week so that I can carry the health insurance (cheaper and better coverage than ObamaCare) and so that I have paid time off. 

So today Mike got to get the kids from school, help Charlie with his homework, do the laundry and make dinner while I put in a 10 hour day. 

Mike has an updated resume circulating to his recruiters so let's hope he gets a new (and less stressful!) job fast!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Kate's Skate

This afternoon was reduced admission for Elizabeth Lane students at Kate's Skating Rink. Mike and I brought Charlie and Amelia, and Mandy brought Ben and Rebecca. None of the kids had ever been on roller skates before and lets just say it showed ;-) By the end of the afternoon Rebecca was fairly self sufficient and Ben was fairly self sufficient with a lot of falls ;-) My children? Not so much.  I blame the Robinson genes for their inherent lack of balance since Mandy and I are at least half way proficient on both roller skates and ice skates ;-) Amelia stayed mostly in the small training area in a tangle of legs and skates although by the end of the afternoon she was able to make a circuit or two around the rink with an adult holding on to her. Charlie was at first completely unable to maintain his balance and being something in the neighborhood of 84 pounds or so was much more difficult to keep upright in the rink even with Mandy and I on either side of him holding him up. By the end of the afternoon he did improve enough to be able to make it around the rink extremely slowly and precariously with one adult holding him up. After a seven mile run this morning boy am I ever feeling the added workout of holding him up on roller skates! 

The verdict? Remarkably both kids want to go back next week!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Overheard At Work

"I haven't gotten to Walmart since we got all this snow!"

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Snow Day!

(But please lord let there be school tomorrow!)

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Valentine's Day

We had a fun and relaxing Valentine's Day yesterday, with no blizzard in the forecast like our northern friends! We took the kids out for a Valentine's Day breakfast and then Mandy babysat for us in the evening so we could go out for drinks at The Wooden Vine and dinner at Aria Tuscan Grille, both uptown. It was a delicious evening from which I am still recovering this morning ;-)

Here are some pictures:

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Plain Baked Potato

It's official -- she has the Bess Wray eating (or lack of it) gene! (Sorry mom ;-)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

In Case You Were Wondering How Charlie's Old School Was Faring With All The Snow

Eleven snow days and counting...All I can say is thank goodness we didn't decide to wait one more year before we moved!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Chocolate Mousse

Two thumbs up from the picky eater department!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Valentine Cookies

Amelia gave my Valentine's cookies two thumbs (and a spatula) up :-)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Congrats Again Charlie!

Showing off his 2nd quarter of straight A's!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Super Bowl XLIX

A super fun party and a Patriots win? What could be better! Kudos to Mandy for coming over and helping with the food prep so we could get the drinking -- err I mean party -- started early, and to Mike for setting up our fire pit!