Friday, June 17, 2016

Swim Team Picture

The Beverly Crest Sharks: (minus at least 15 kids who were on  vacation!)


Amelia has started being ridiculously helpful around the house -- washing dishes, drying them and putting them away, loading the dishwasher, setting the table and helping me with dinner! Charlie? Not so much. 

Water Babies


I came across this as I was cleaning out Amelia's backpack after the last day of school :)

First Swim Meet

The kids competed in their first swim meet, an away meet at Cameron Woods, on June 11th and let me tell you it was HOT! The Sharks were at a distinct disadvantage because we had many swimmers who were on vacation, but we still put in a great effort! (i.e we got crushed.) Charlie swam his best 25 meter freestyle at 18:46 which earned him 10th place -- those are some competitive swimmers!! Here are some pictures.

Gymnastics Update

Amelia finished up her Friday night Tumbling class on June 10th and started the summer session of Rec 1 on June 14th, with the encouragement of coach Frank who said he thinks she has a future in gymnastics! Amelia has now graduated to an intimidating Russian coach :-)

Water balloons And Ice Cream Sundaes

We greeted the kids off the bus on their last day of school with water balloons. super soakers and ice cream sundaes!!

A Rising First Grader and Fifth Grader!

Where have my babies gone??
Here are the kids on their last day of school, June 9th! (Amelia is wearing pjs for pajama day.)

End of Year Kindergarten Party

Also on June 6th Amelia had her end of year kindergarten party. Let's just say the circus theme of the party was very appropriate!

"The Greensboro Sit In"

On June 6th and 7th Charlie's 4th grade class performed the play "The Greensboro Sit In", about the sit in at the whites-only lunch counter at a Woolworth's in Greensboro during the civil rights movement. Charlie played the part of Mr. Harvey, the Woolworth's store manager.

Here are some pictures -- the kids did a great job even though they may have been missing some certain, err, qualifying characteristics!

The Two Amelias

Big Amelia and Little Amelia, respectively:

Time Trials

Beverly Crest Sharks' time trials were on June 2nd. Charlie's strongest event is 25 meter freestyle with a time at time trials of 19 seconds!

Goodbye Spring Football

The kids had their last game of spring flag football on June 4th; for Amelia this was probably her last game ever! For Charlie this was his last game until he starts summer flag football, on June 25th :-)

Here is Amelia displaying her trophy:

Monday, May 30, 2016

Never Too Late To Go Swimming

I came home from work today after 5pm, but Amelia was eager to go to the pool! Here she is catching the last rays of the day and doing some one handed cartwheels on the pool deck...

Memorial Day

I had to work all day today but Mike took the day off and had a fun day with the kids, taking them to the greenway in the morning for a hike with the dog, and then to lunch and to see the Angry Birds movie (which judging from the previews I am not sorry I missed out on!)

Here is Charlie with one of his catches of the day, and the kids at the movie theatre:

New Hair Cut For Summer!

We Have a Little Swimmer!

The JCC pool opened on Saturday so after the yard sale wrapped up we headed over there for the first of many Saturday afternoons spent at the pool for the summer. the kids had to take their swim tests -- Amelia took and passed the green band test for the first time; she had to swim a lap freestyle, a lap backstroke and tread water for one minute! The green band earns her free roam of all the JCC pools. The lifeguard was so impressed, saying she was the youngest kid so far that day to get a green band! Way to go Amelia! Here she is doing her version of the backstroke during the test:

Yard Sale & Bake Sale

This past week was consumed by my last minute decision to participate in the annual Beverly Crest yard sale, in addition to co-hosting a bake sale with Mandy, the proceeds of which went to her Moms In Training fundraising endeavors for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

I realized that I do not do this on a regular basis because it is SO MUCH WORK!!

In addition to getting things together for the yard sale, cleaning and pricing them, I had to -- with Mandy's help -- bake 3 batches of brownies, 2 batches of pistachio lemon squares and 2 batches of chocolate chip cookies.

Both the yard sale and bake sale were a huge success, with buyers showing up at 6:30am even though the yard sale did not start until 8! By 7am I had already made over $100 and was frantically texting Mandy to come get the bake sale going, as people had already started donating to it even though there were as yet no baked goods out.

We ended up raising over $140 for LLS and over $700 from the yard sale, the proceeds of which are going to fund my birthday tattoo, which I'm getting on Wednesday ;-) Everything we didn't sell was picked up by the National Kidney Foundation, so it was a win all around!

Here is the bake sale in full swing, Amelia with the first money donated to the bake sale before  it was even set up, the delicious treats we had for sale, and Amelia and Rebecca sampling the bake sale lemonade:

Strawberry Rhubarb Upside Down Cake

Because how else should you kick off summer??

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Its Swim Team Season Again!!

The Beverly Crest Sharks are back in the water again -- look out!!

Yard Work

Mike put new mulch down last weekend and added an American flag to our Red Sox flag, for summer. Looking good!! (Next outside project -- power washing!!)

Celebrating 2 Years In Charlotte

We celebrated two years in Charlotte (a little early) last weekend by going out to dinner at Soul Gastrolounge with Mandy and Joel. Yum!

Kindergarten Program

Mike and I went to Amelia's kindergarten program last week, where the kids dressed up as farmers and sang songs -- super cute!

Summer Wreath

The Robinsons are ready for summer with this custom burlap wreath one of my friends from work made for me!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Mothers Day 2016

I had a great Mothers Day yesterday, which involved sleeping in while Mike made chocolate chip muffins with the kids, cards & candy from the kids, brunch with Mike at Passion8 restaurant while the kids had a babysitter, shopping for new running sneakers, going out with Mandy for summer clothes shopping, coming home to hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill, taking the dog for a long walk, and then going on a 5 mile run to test out the new sneakers. A great day!

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Sunday, May 8, 2016

Another Birthday Party

Our neighbor's boys celebrated their first birthday yesterday with a yard party that involved playing corn hole and some betting on the kentucky derby -- what fun! (Let's just say I might still be recovering this morning.)

Football Medals

Amelia earned her team's medal for sportsmanship at flag football last week for having a positive attitude and Charlie won his this week for, well, being responsible for his team's only points scored in both of the last two games! (Actually, technically I think, in the entire season thus far because I'm pretty sure the last two games before that were shut outs and the first game of the season was a practice game that didn't actually count!!)

HawkFest 2016

The kids enjoyed the annual carnival at Elizabeth Lane on Friday evening!