Friday, August 1, 2008

Sleep Deprived -- A Rant

When exactly was my child supposed to start sleeping through the night? Because he still isn't. Atleast not lately.

I have been up for 17 hours so far and it is only 7:30pm. This is because Charlie woke up at two freaking thirty in the morning and I swear, did not go back to sleep.

He woke up calling: "Moh-tin! Moh-tin!" to which I sleepily got up and without question gave him a dose of the requested Motrin because I was too tired to think.

Then he got me up two more times with: "Potty! Potty!" Oh joy -- potty training opens up whole new worlds of sleep deprivation.

Somewhere in between the 4th time I got up and the 15th were "Too hot! Too hot!" and "Blanket broken! Blanket broken!" No honey it is WRINKLED not broken, and if you think I am going to come in here and straighten it out for you every 5 seconds you... you... well, you're right because that is exactly what I am doing right now.


1 comment:

Amanda said...

Umm. Sorry. You need to stop going in there. if he's wearing a diaper, he doesn't need your help to go potty during the night.