Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lessons in Sharing

Charlie still has not quite gotten this concept down sometimes. Case in point: dinner this evening. After dinner Charlie asked for a treat, so I gave him a choice of either M&Ms or Oreos. He chose M&Ms and I settled down next to him with a handful of oreos, which of course was asking for trouble.
CHARLIE: (Immediately looking with interest at my oreos) "I have oreo, Mommy?"
ME: (handing him one) "Yes, if I can have an M&M."
CHARLIE: "No! No have M&Ms."
ME: "But I gave you an oreo so now it's your turn to give me an M&M."
CHARLIE: "No! You have plenty oreos, Mommy; eat your oreos."

Yeah, we'll keep trying...

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