Thursday, April 30, 2009

Birthday Cupcakes...

... for Charlie to share with his class tomorrow and equally cool tupperware containers to put them in.

Halloween in April

For some reason Charlie came home from school today and insisted on putting on his Halloween costume, which I had to search high and low for and finally found in the top of a closet. Here's the little monkey mugging for the camera:

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

94 Degrees

It got up to 94 degrees today. Here is my dirty sweaty boy when he got home from school today:

Unfortunately the temperature is supposed to drop by ohhh 40 degrees over night...

Spring Has Sprung

When looking at this picture you need to keep in mind that as recently ago as Friday, there were virtually no leaves on any of the trees.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sleep Update

At the risk of jinxing myself, Charlie *seems* to have settled into his big boy bed, after a rocky start. He was up 14 times Thursday night, too many times to count Friday night, and refused to nap in his bed at all Saturday afternoon despite being drop dead tired. However, he went to bed Saturday night without protest and slept the whole night through -- reason to cheer if he hadn't gotten up insanely early this morning. He successfully napped in his bed for the first time this afternoon, and appears to have gone to bed without a fuss this evening (although it is still really too early to tell.)

Knocking on wood that the worst is over!


We took Charlie to see the movie Earth today -- a wildlife documentary, so the multitude of animals were right up his alley. He thoroughly enjoyed himself and loudly provided his own running commentary to the movie (thankfully the theatre wasn't crowded and we had a row to ourselves!):
"That cheetah wants to EAT that antelope!"
"That's a MEAN SHARK with giant teeth!"
"That polar bear is TRYING TO GET THAT WALRUS!"
"Look at that CRAZY BIRD!"
And so on, for 90 minutes.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Picture Perfect Day

We had a gorgeous day today for Grammy Bess & Grampy Paxton's visit! Here are some pics from dinnertime on the boardwalk at Marina Bay:

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Charlie's New Bed

Charlie's "big boy bed" arrived this afternoon. Here he is coloring on it before bed:

And here he is all snuggled up and ready to go to sleep*

*As this post is published Charlie was put to bed 24 minutes ago and has been up six times, clearly reminding me why I had intended to keep him tented into his crib until he turned eighteen...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Splashing Fun

We went back to the Weymouth Club after Charlie woke up from his nap and had a blast in the indoor splash park; Charlie LOVED it! Here are some pics:

Summer Fun

Just splurged on a family membership here -- 3 pools, 2 splash parks (one indoor & one outdoor) and a great kids' play area while Mom & Dad work out! We will be living here during the summer....

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Difference Between Puppies and Poopies

CHARLIE: "Puppies say 'woof! woof!' Poopies say 'plllbbbbbt', come out of my bum."

Thank you for the clarification.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Summer Coming??

In a vain attempt to speed up the arrival of summer I started tanning today, and I am seriously considering if the 67-70 degrees forecasted for Friday warrants putting Charlie in his new shorts and tank top.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Charlie's Easter

Yes he is on an extreme sugar rush right now.

Friday, April 10, 2009


So it turns out that while the rapid strep test they do in the drs office is indeed rapid, it is not indeed reliable. I was called by the nurse practitioner this morning and informed that Charlie does, after all, have strep.

On a beautiful 64 degree Friday, I can't say that I was that upset about having to leave work to pick up my contagious child from daycare...

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Never rely on a two year old for information:
CHARLIE: "Where you going Daddy?"
MIKE: "I'm going to get my suit -- I'll be right back."
CHARLIE: "Mommy! Daddy will be right back."
ME: "Where did he go?"
CHARLIE: "He went to get some soup!"

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Say 'Aaah!'

I took Charlie to the doctor today to make sure he didn't have strep throat. He opened his mouth wide for the tech when she swabbed his throat but then of course turned bright red and gagged. When she finished I expected him to burst right into tears but instead he looked up and managed, "Thank you!" She said that was the first time she had ever been thanked after a throat culture, and I believe it!

The culture was, thankfully, negative and Charlie seems to be on the mend. Afterwards he recapped his experience: "Doctor tell Charlie 'Say Aaaah', stuck fork down my throat!"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Streak, Ended

Lately I have been bragging that Charlie has been in the midst of a ridiculously healthy streak. Aside from a busted lip in October, he has not needed to go to the doctor since his 2 year check up in May.

Unfortunately, it looks like the streak is coming to an end. After being decidedly out of sorts on Sunday, he came home from daycare last night with a 100 degree fever which went up to 103 overnight. Mike stayed home with him today, but by the time I came home his temperature had again gone up to 103. So tomorrow is my turn to stay home with him and bring him to the dr to get checked out, as he has also been complaining off and on of a tummy ache and a sore throat. My poor sick kiddo :(

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Charlie was in rare form this morning, throwing temper tantrums and even biting me. At one point I finally asked him, "Charlie, what's the matter with you today?"
He crossed his arms sullenly and replied, "I grumpy today!"

Apparently so!


My shaggy boy is not shaggy anymore.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

'Too Tired to Post' Post

As per the title, it has been a loooong week and is still going. This was my 7th day in a row working (2 jobs, over 60 hours) and I have to run back in tomorrow for a couple hours too. So by now I am only semi conscious.

We've all been recovering from a nasty cold; well Mike and I have been -- Charlie apparently has an iron constitution. Must be the Flinstone vitamins...

Charlie got the memo this week that turning 3 means he is supposed to be obsessed with Spiderman, because despite the fact that we have never introduced him to the superhero in any way, shape or form, he suddenly wants all things Spiderman.

Hoping to get Charlie's haircut at some point tomorrow, so will post a picture of my grown up boy!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Boss

At bedtime tonight Charlie and I read Yertle the Turtle. Charlie pointed to Yertle up on his turtle throne and asked, "Is he the Daddy turtle?"

"No," I repled, "He's the King." Then, seeing that he still didn't understand I added, "He's the boss."

"Oh," Charlie said, nodding. "He's the Mommy turtle!"