Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Streak, Ended

Lately I have been bragging that Charlie has been in the midst of a ridiculously healthy streak. Aside from a busted lip in October, he has not needed to go to the doctor since his 2 year check up in May.

Unfortunately, it looks like the streak is coming to an end. After being decidedly out of sorts on Sunday, he came home from daycare last night with a 100 degree fever which went up to 103 overnight. Mike stayed home with him today, but by the time I came home his temperature had again gone up to 103. So tomorrow is my turn to stay home with him and bring him to the dr to get checked out, as he has also been complaining off and on of a tummy ache and a sore throat. My poor sick kiddo :(

1 comment:

Amanda said...

awww... poor kid. sorry i didnt return your call before you went to bed, i was (am) working late tonight...