Sunday, January 24, 2010

Family of Four

With Jessica gone, we are settling in to being a family of four (read: WE ARE ALL ON OUR OWN WITH TWO KIDS!!)

Yesterday we went out for the first time with just the four of us -- a modest outting to be sure; we took Charlie to get his hair cut, then had lunch at Panera and I snuck in a little shopping for Amelia.

Bedtime is still the tricky part; Charlie's bedtime routine takes over an hour between tubby, getting ready, stories, and then checking in on him so he actually falls asleep without getting up a thousand times. Amelia is still in the no-real-sleep-schedule phase; she generally does not settle down for a long stretch of sleep until between 9 and 10. So bedtime reminds me of a relay race, where we're bath constantly scurrying back and forth between one child and the other.

This week is my first week on my own with Amelia -- wish me luck that it is (somewhat) smooth sailing!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings but that hour-long bedtime routine is going to be the first thing that goes ;) 30 minutes tops, and who needs a bath every single night?? ;)