Monday, July 26, 2010

6 Month Check Up

Amelia had her 6 month check up this morning. She is 18lbs 2 oz (75th percentile) and 28 inches (over the 95th percentile) and got 2 shots, including her last hepatitis B vaccination. The pediatrician gave us the green light to feed her any of the stage 1 and stage 2 babyfoods, avoiding only strawberries and citrus, and to work her up to 3 meals a day by eight months. She also pronounced her perfectly on target developmentally.

Charlie, for his part, informed everyone in the office -- from the receptionist to the doctor -- that he was not the one getting the shots. ("It's my sister who's getting shots today, not me! Don't make a mistake, I'm not getting any shots today!" He also was very leary of the fact that Amelia's pediatrician is named Dr Wolf, and would have been hiding under a chair from the "Wolf doctor" when she came in, if I had not very firmly told him that he was being ridiculous and to keep his behind on the chair where it was.

Amelia did actually cry when she got her shots, probably to Charlie's delight -- he was a little too gleeful with his "Oh, poor Amelia!"s But she recovered quickly and I treated us all to lunch afterwards, our reward for surviving a long morning.

So all in all it was a successful trip to the doctor.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Another Successful Fishing Trip

Charlie and Mike had a successful fishing trip to Whitman's Pond in Weymouth this morning -- I tried to get Mike to take a picture of Charlie holding one of the 15 fish they caught, but this is as close as he would get:

While Mike and Charlie fished, Heather, Amelia & I enjoyed brunch at The Rustic Kitchen in Hingham and did some birthday shopping at The Shoe Market (thanks Mike!!)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Unfortunately, No Pictures

We had a fun weekend last weekend -- we went to the beach on sunday for the first time this season, with Kate & Brian and their boys. Charlie had a great time playing with Finn, and thoroughly wore himself out racing around the sand, diving in the waves and generally being a maniac. But alas no pictures because I was too lazy to walk up the beach to the house where I had left the camera. Bad mommy.

On Tuesday I got my hair dyed not blonde, but blonde- er. I was going to take a picture of that too, but Mike's not home and I can't figure out the automatic timer on the camera. Strike two for Mommy.

Amelia is enjoying carrots and has her 6 month check up on Monday. I do have a picture of that, but i figure there are only so many pictures you can post of your child covered in various shades of babyfood.

So really, not much goin on. Enjoying birthday fudge from Mom and will be enjoying lunch and a shopping trip with Heather on Sunday as my birthday present from Mike :)

Maybe I will find something to take pictures of soon...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Monday, July 12, 2010

More Fishing

Although I don't actually have pictures, sorry! Somehow I didn't quite manage to get the camera out, the fish kept us too busy! Charlie, as per usual, caught double digit numbers of fish, all pretty darn small, although we did see some actual big fish in the water but they avoided our fishing poles. We took Amelia for a stroll over to see Aunt Joyce, Uncle Gordon and Cousin Cheryl, and then had a yummy lunch on the grille, after which Charlie wanted to, you guessed it, go back down to the lake for more fishing. And you guessed it, today he is asking me why we can't "walk to the worm store and get a can of real worms and find a lake and go fishing." Sigh. If only it were that easy...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Weekend Updates

Just some random updates as the weekend starts!
1) Charlie started swimming lessons today; we signed him up for the eight week summer session at the Weymouth Club, and according to Mike he did great! Charlie himself was a little less than enthused when I asked him about it though -- he said, "It was okay but I still can't swim yet." All in good time...
2) We bought Amelia a jumperoo and she has been jumperoo-ing up a storm -- I will need to charge the video camera and video tape her soon...
3) Charlie has been obsessively eating peanutbutter since he was cleared by the allergist on Tuesday, and as he pointed out to me, "Mommy I ate peanutbutter and I didn't die!" I am still holding on to the epi pen in my purse though -- old habits die hard...
4) Amelia has been gobbling up her rice cereal and tons of boob juice besides -- I am starting her on squash tomorrow. She is definitely in a growth spurt, realizing that her 6 month check up is coming up I guess.
5) We are heading up to New Hampshire tomorrow for more fishing on the lake -- Charlie has been literally counting down the days till he gets to go fishing again. I am thinking of digging my fishing pole out of the attic and bringing it along too, so I don't have to keep bugging Charlie for a turn with his pole ;) I am sure we will have pictures, and maybe I will even remember to take some pictures of Amelia with Grammy & Grampy Robinson this time!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Finally! 3 years and 3 allergists later Charlie has been officially cleared of all food allergies including peanuts!! The doctor, who is the author of "The Peanut Allergy Handbook" and is president of the Massachusetts Food Allergy Association, said "Go home, throw out your epi pens, give him a peanutbutter and jelly sandwhich and then give him some reeses pieces for dessert." We took his advice and ran with it (although I am holding on to the epi pens for another week or so...):

Monday, July 5, 2010

Another Milestone

Amelia had her first solid food today! Charlie got the honor of feeding her her first few bites of rice cereal:

Sunday, July 4, 2010

On The Boat

We spent our Fourth of July up at Grammy and Grampy Robinson's and had a great time fishing on the boat and later off the dock. Between Charlie, Mike and I, we caught a whopping 15 fish, most of them caught by Charlie of course :) And most of them tiny as you can tell from the pictures. There was, apparently, one large fish that Charlie caught while I was up at the house with Amelia but there are no pictures of it so exactly how big it was is up for debate. Mike says it was about the size of a shampoo bottle but Charlie claims it was "bigger than the house!"
Here are some pics of our time on the water:

Charlie Loves His Sister