Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday Update

We spent Saturday night and Sunday at Grammy & Grampy Robinsons; Charlie got to roast his first marshmallow over his first campfire. Initially he was scared -- of the dark, of the people down the street lighting off fireworks, etc -- but eventually he started to enjoy it. Here is a pic of him and Mike toasting jumbo marshmallows on jumbo sticks:

Sunday we caught umpteen fish, none of them picture worthy, but I swear the big one is lurking in that lake somewhere. We even tried leaving the smaller fish we caugh on our hooks as bait, until that idea was abandoned for a) being fruitless and b)being cruel and unusual punishment.

In other news, this week I tried out Stop 'N Shop's grocery delivery service and I am HOOKED! Aside from having a code for free delivery for sixty days and having our Sundays -- the one day Mike and I are home together -- fully to ourselves with no grocery trip looming, *I* actually get to shop, perusing the aisles from the computer. And really, there is not much I like to do more than online shopping, even if it *is* for bread and milk. (But did I mention they have milk fortified with omega 3 fatty acids? These are the things you do not find out when you send your husband to the grocery store every week.)

Amelia is slightly grumpier than usual (a bit of an oxymoron I suppose since she is never grumpy) and I assume it is because she is teething; still waiting for that first tooth to poke through! In the meantime, she has inherited Charlie's old Fisher Price piano and has been banging away all day at it.

Charlie has another ingrown toenail but this time I took him to his pediatrician who prescribed keflex and said that it should clear up on its own between the antibiotic and the warm soaks and ointment we had already been doing. She says she never has to cut them, for which Charlie (who would only let her look at his toe from across the room) and I are extremely grateful.

That is about all the news from here! An extremely long post about nothing...

1 comment:

Amanda said...

i could have told you about the milk ;) wondering how long it will be before the novelty of grocery shopping wears off ;) i did the stop n shop delivery a few times when we lived in MA but (at least back then) the selection online wasn't as good as in the stores.