Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Case Of The Breaks

Yesterday everything in the house decided to break at once; I opened the fridge to start getting breakfast ready and discovered that neither the refrigerator nor freezer were working. This led me to take everything out of the freezer and bring it to the downstairs freezer, drag out the mini fridge we have in one of the basement closets and haul it upsatirs (it is not so "mini" when you are trying to get it up a flight of stairs let me tell you) and pile the contents of the fridge into that, then call the repair man who couldn't come out till today. When Mike got home he unplugged the fridge and plugged it back in again and of course it has been working fine ever since. Oy.

Then the coffee maker started turning itself off and saying it was brewing when it wasn't, things it only seems to do when I am around. So I called Keurig hoping for another coffee maker but unfortunately the lady on the phone did not seem to be in a giving mood because she just had me jam paper clips into it per her instructions; it seemed reasonably okay today but we'll see...

The final straw was when I came downstairs to look up a zip code on my computer and discovered it was overrun with a virus and that I literally couldn't do anything on it. At that point I gave up and went to bed; I heard from Mike this morning that it took him 3 hours to fix.

I think I am going to try to stay away from the rest of our appliances for the week...


Amanda said...

what is up with your Keurig? never had any problems with mine...

Grandma said...

How lucky you have Mike to rescue you from your appliance/computer fiascos!