Sunday, February 13, 2011

Weekend Update

It has been a busy week! Amelia is getting better at walking, and maybe in another week I'll have another video, this one of her buzzing around the house. She had to have a blood draw on Monday to double check her iron levels but thankfully the results came back perfectly normal.

Tuesday our washing machine bit the dust, spitting out plastic parts and a bunch of water. The downside is that we had to get a new washing machine which was $579 that was not in the budget. The good news is that I haven't had to do a load of laundry since Tuesday..,

Tomorrow a plumber is coming to take a look at our hot water heater because after the furnace and the washing machine I have decided that this will be the next major appliance to go, and I would rather replace it before it leaks water all over the finished basement.

In better news, we started our taxes today and so far are actually getting back money this year instead of owing. Especially nice because we are hoping to purchase a new car in the next month and it would be nice to have some money to put towards it other than our trade in.

Tonight Sue babysat for us so we could go out to dinner for Valentines Day (thanks again Sue!) which I think was maybe the third dinner we have had alone together since Amelia was born. A well deserved treat after a busy week!

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