Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Rhode Island

The kids and I went down to Rhode Island for the night with Heather yesterday; her family has a camper in Jamestown which Heather and I frequented while we were in college, but which I had not been back to since having the kids. It was fun to introduce Charlie and Amelia to the Purple Cow frozen yogurt we used to get all the time, and to Dell's Lemonade. The kids also got to go to the beach for the first time this summer (and I remembered why I hardly ever take them, all that sand!!) While I can't exactly say they were the best behaved children in the world (read: they behaved like the spawn of Satan) we definitely enjoyed the sun and salt air. Thanks for taking us, Heather! (And I know you will not volunteer to take the children anywhere overnight again until they are oh, maybe eighteen and twenty two...)
Here are some pictures from our ordeal, err I mean mini vacation... :)


Grandma said...

Wow! Grandma is thrilled to see these wonderful pictures.

Amanda said...

you got some good pics from your "ordeal" though ;) c'mon, sharing a camper with a 5 yr old and 1 yr old, how bad could it possibly have been? ;)