Thursday, December 29, 2011

Just Because...

He looks so darn cute while utterly absorbed in watching tv... ;)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Apparently not only does Charlie like to catch fish and read about fish, he also likes to draw them. Go figure.
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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Charlie's First Check Mate

(Yes, it was heavily coaxed, but still...)
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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Morning 2011

Here are some pictures of the kids unwrapping their presents this morning. Merry Christmas everyone!

Christmas Video 2011

Amelia's response to the presents under the tree was underwhelming, presumably because she is afraid of santa claus... Once she started opening her presents, though, she warmed up considerably, saying "I wuv it! I wuv it!" as she unwrapped her princess shoes, baby doll and dress up clothes.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Guess We Had Some Good Kids in 2011

Christmas Party

Mike and I hosted my rehab department Christmas party last night. It actually went off without a hitch; we had a great turn out with the whole department coming and many people bringing guests. Amelia somehow slept through the entire party despite the noise level and Charlie had his own little party in the playroom thanks to Melanie bringing her son Ryan and Rhonda bringing her two sons -- the kids obediently trashed the playroom with the help of juice boxes, chocolate covered pretzels and chips, while us grown ups were left alone to drink copious amounts of alcohol including a now famous Christmas punch that was thanks to Katie who found the recipe and Mike who determinedly went to 4 liquor stores the night before to procure the ingredients. Here are a few pictures I took at the party, although I didn't break out the camera until I had had more than a few glasses of punch so sorry for the randomness of the pictures!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Holiday Concert

Charlie's holiday concert is this morning. It being a Wednesday morning at 9am and being my first day back at work after being away last week, I was unable to attend but here he is this morning giving us a preview of "Gingerbread Cookie" and "Christmas Makes Me Want to Sing".
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Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Birth of Caroline Rose Kaplan

In pictures.
Welcome to the family, Caroline!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Introducing Caroline Rose Kaplan!

8lbs 12 oz and perfectly besutiful! Plenty more pics to follow!
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

At The Top Of The Agenda...

... For the week is going to Charlotte for the birth of my newest (and I am assuming last) niece or nephew! Lots of pictures to follow!
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Sunday, December 11, 2011

ActioNet Christmas Party

Last night was Mike's work Christmas party on the Spirit of Boston. As always his company throws a nice party; the food was great, there was plenty of free alcohol, and they do a generous raffle. The one draw back being that since it was on a boat, those of us who worked all day Saturday and then had to work all day Sunday were not able to leave early ;)

Sue babysat the kids for us (thanks Sue!) and snapped a picture of us before we left:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Charlie's Attempt At Potty Training Amelia

Unsuccessful attempt, I might add.
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Time For More..

... Home made peppermint bark!
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Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I tortured Charlie this evening by taking him to his first symphony: a holiday performance by the Quincy City Symphony (no I didn't know there was one either) at the performing arts center at Quincy High School. Despite being at the high school we were still ridiculously under dressed (what, we weren't supposed to wear ripped jeans and fleece?? Who knew?) We only stayed until the intermission since it is a school night and I didn't want Charlie to be up too ridiculously past his bedtime, but he seemed to enjoy the performance, or at least to be intrigued by the conductor and the cellos. And I was excited to actually see the inside of the new Quincy High School, which has only been open since last fall, and is gorgeous, decidedly unlike any high school I have ever been in. So all in all, a fun night out.

Charlie's First Sentence

Charlie wrote his first sentence today, with absolutely no help from me. Way to go, Charlie! Here it is:

Santa's Helper

Santa's Jewish Elf was hard at work helping me wrap Christmas presents this morning (okay let's be honest, wrapping them for me) while her baby Elf looked on... Thanks a million Katie!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Charlie's Ginger Bread House...

... Has some obvious structural issues.
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Amelia has spent all morning trying to help me with various things, accompanied by her chanting "I helping! I helping!"

Here are a few pictures of her endeavors:

Helping me put the laundry in the wash:

Helping me carry wrapping paper in from the store:

And alas, helping to wipe her own butt during a diaper change:

That's enough helping for one day, honey!

2nd Thanksgiving

Since we missed out on turkey with Mike's parents, we headed up to New Hampshire on Sunday for another turkey dinner with all the trimmings. This time the kids didn't snack all day before dinner so they both chowed down on turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, carrots and broccoli. Amelia also helped herself to the cranberry sauce which she literally gobbled up by the handful! Thanks for a delicious dinner, Grammy and Grampy Robinson, and for the plate of leftovers I am going to have for lunch this afternoon!

Double Date Night

We had a fun night out on Saturday night; Anthony babysat and we met Phil & Sue at the Midwest Grille in Cambridge. It was Sue's first time there, amazingly, since it is one of our favorite restaurants and we have gone many times with many people over the years. We had a leisurely and delicious dinner which involved multiple bottles of wine followed by coffee and dessert. Thanks for the fun night out Phil & Sue, and to Anthony for babysitting!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Tree 2011...

... And my super duper Christmas tree decorator!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Advent Calendar

Not being Catholic I really don't know what an advent calendar is, but I bought this fancy playmobil one for Charlie in an attempt to prevent him from asking me how many days there are til Christmas 106 times per day.
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Look Carefully...

Yes that is a faint mustache you see on Mike's face, the result of growing it for the entire month of November, for prostate cancer awareness month. Mike immediately shaved it off today, since it was December 1st, and I now believe him when he says he can't grow facial hair ;)
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