Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Party

Mike and I hosted my rehab department Christmas party last night. It actually went off without a hitch; we had a great turn out with the whole department coming and many people bringing guests. Amelia somehow slept through the entire party despite the noise level and Charlie had his own little party in the playroom thanks to Melanie bringing her son Ryan and Rhonda bringing her two sons -- the kids obediently trashed the playroom with the help of juice boxes, chocolate covered pretzels and chips, while us grown ups were left alone to drink copious amounts of alcohol including a now famous Christmas punch that was thanks to Katie who found the recipe and Mike who determinedly went to 4 liquor stores the night before to procure the ingredients. Here are a few pictures I took at the party, although I didn't break out the camera until I had had more than a few glasses of punch so sorry for the randomness of the pictures!

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Yummy-you made dog-er-chocolate crinkle cookies:)