Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mid Week Update

(In other words not much is going on.)

Just a few random updates, but not much blogworthy is going on....

I have been sick with a cold since last weekend so have pretty much been taking Nyquil and going to bed at 8:30 every night since Saturday night.

Mike is working from home for the next two weeks because he is taking an online training course so there is no point to him going into the office. It makes for a slightly less hectic work week than usual, so that is nice.

Charlie is scheduled to test for his yellow stripe in Taekwon do on March 15th.

Amelia is her usual whiny two year old self and has started to boss Charlie around, which is rather amusing. On several occasions I have noticed she calls him "Charles", usually when she is at her most bossy/obnoxious: "*Charles* come *on* it's time to go!!"

We have nothing planned this weekend except doing our taxes-- keeping fingers crossed on that front that we at least break even!!

And that's all I got -- like I said, not much going on...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Pizza & Beer

My work friends and I went out for a much needed break from the grind tonight. Since most of us have to work tomorrow it was an early night, but still a nice break.
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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mid Week Update

Charlie and I are enjoying our time off alone together courtesy of February vacation. Yesterday we had a lunch date at IHOP per Charlie's request, and it was nice to go to Charlie's Taekwon do lesson yesterday without having to chase Amelia around the entire time (she is in daycare as per usual because, well, we have to pay for it regardless and it offers a nice chance for Charlie to get some one on one time.)

Charlie is continuing enthusiastically with Taekwon do; he had his first sparring class on Tuesday and loved it. One of the teachers came up to me afterwards and told me he was doing "real good - I mean real good" and the manager told us yesterday that he will be ready to test for his next belt - white with a yellow stripe - next month sometime and that if we committed to bringing him at least twice a week that he expected that he would be a black belt in three years. Since the school is teeming with little black belts, I don't find this hard to believe at all.

Tomorrow Mike is home with Charlie and they have plans to see Journey 2 which I have yet to see a preview of but which Charlie is excitedly talking about.

A good week so far!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Super Big Brother

CHARLIE: "Mom, we have to be nice to Amelia because she just came out of your belly. She's only two, and she doesn't understand!"
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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Fresh Girl

Hopefully not an indication of the years to come:
ME: "Do you need a time out?"
AMELIA: "No, you need a time out!"

Oy. Definitely not looking forward to the teen years...
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

A Day Of Relaxation

Mike and I celebrated Valentine's Day today, both taking the day off work so that we could hang out together while the kids were at school/daycare. We had a great day - a two hour couples massage followed by a leisurely lunch (which involved sangria and Pinkberry, both always a plus) and two hours of shopping kid free -- Mike got some much needed new clothes for work and I got a new pair of jeans to replace the ten year old pair I finally gave up on and threw out last weekend.

Now back to reality -- next week is February vacation week so as a result I am working the next 5 days straight, then have off Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday while Mike has off Monday and Friday so that between the two of us we have the week covered.

Back to the grind!

Candy Hearts

Amelia thoroughly enjoyed her first candy heart bracelet.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Taekwon Do Update

Charlie started Taekwon Do last week with four private lessons at the end of which he was pronounced proficient enough to join in the children's group lessons this week. Charlie had his first group lesson yesterday, which he started rather nervously, but by the end he declared it to be "awesome". His second class was this afternoon, and I actually got to watch a little bit of it because let's just say Amelia wasn't being as demanding as she was yesterday. The class involved not only drills of punches and kicks but also sprints, push ups, sit ups and even army crawling across the floor, all of which Charlie participated in gleefully. At the end of the lesson he saw some of the other kids getting all padded up for the next class -- children's sparring -- and started whining about when was he going to be allowed to do that, at which point one of the teachers overheard him and told him maybe by next Tuesday they would let him try it. Which has Charlie extremely excited and me just a little bit nervous! Anothe update next week may be in order.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentines Day Kindergarten Style

Charlie made homemade goody bags for his classmates for tomorrow.
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In A Rush To Grow Up

Amelia waiting for Charlie at the bus stop with her backpack and lunchbox.
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Friday, February 10, 2012

End Of Week Update

This has been a busy week and is sure to be a busy weekend so I figured I'd sneak in an update while I had the chance. Amelia spiked a fever Tuesday so I stayed home with her on Wednesday. She seems back to her usual self during the day but as of last night was still spiking fevers at night. Keeping fingers crossed that all is fine tonight, otherwise a trip to the doctor is in our future.

I caught the stomach bug that has been going around here (Amelia and Mike had it two weeks ago) on Wednesday night and was up all night throwing up. Having just taken the day off Wednesday I wasn't too eager to take Thursday off as well, so I went to work and managed to last 7 of my scheduled 10 hours before throwing in the towel and coming home. Happy to report that I am feeling 100% better and that Charlie shows no signs of illness (much to his disappointment.)

Charlie started Taekwon do this week - he had a private lesson Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and has one tomorrow afternoon. Starting next week he has been deemed competent enough to start the children's group classes although he has not yet been cleared to do the children's sparring class. So far he seems to like it a lot, but he is apprehensive about starting the group lessons next week.

Sunday we are heading up to NH and then next week is a busy week of Valentine's related things- Charlie has his Valentine's party on Tuesday and Amelia has hers on Wednesday. Wednesday Mike and I both have the day off with a lunch date and couples' massage package planned - can't come soon enough!

Monday, February 6, 2012

As If Bun Bun Wasn't Enough

Now Amelia has taken to dragging a pair of pajamas with her everywhere she goes...
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Amelia Tries Her Hand At Wii Soccer

Scary thing is, she plays it about as well as I do...
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Friday, February 3, 2012

Team Spirit

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