Monday, July 16, 2012

Cambridge Commons

We headed out bright and early this morning and met Katie & Kyla for some summer playground fun at Cambridge Commons, officially my new favorite playground! While Amelia and Kyla played in the sand and water (and us grown ups kept cool by dousing ourselves as well) Charlie made a friend and played baseball with a staffer in the adjacent park. This time since I knew what I was getting in to I brought a towel, changes of clothes for the kids and swim diapers for Amelia! Here are some pictures:


Wadland Family Blog said...

Cute! That place was SO AWESOME. I keep trying to tell Jay how really cool it actually was, but I don't think he's getting it...

Grandma said...

I got my color printer just in time-now I can print out pics of cutie pies:)

Amanda said...

yes but it looks like you forgot amelia's bathing suit :P