Saturday, August 25, 2012

What Happened After The Museum

So to make a long story somewhat short, Charlie bumped his head at the Children's Museum; we put ice on it and the goose egg on his head went down. End of story, almost.

When we left the museum and were walking back to South station Charlie, who really had to pee and wasn't looking where he was going, ran headlong into a lamp post hard enough to knock him down. By the time I got him up and across the street into the station he had a bump on his head roughly the size of Montana in the exact spot he had bumped at the museum. The attendants at South station took one look at him and called EMS, whereupon we were taken to Tufts Medical Center. Charlie was assessed and pronounced completely fine, although he's not allowed to bump his head for the next 2 weeks and has a nasty bruise.

The picture is of the kids in the emergency room eating popsicles because they wanted Charlie to eat something to make sure he didn't throw up before they let us go home. They mercifully presented 2 popsicles to prevent a two year old meltdown.

Fortunately we were seen right away and were home by 9pm! (We had left the museum a few minutes after 6.)
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1 comment:

Amanda said...

oh dear... feel better charlie! are those pupils the same size? is he walking around in circles? ;)