Tuesday, November 13, 2012

First Report Card of First Grade

Today was Charlie's parent/teacher conference and first report card. Overall he got a good report card; they use a number system from 1 to 4 for each subject. Charlie got 4s in social studies and science, with his teacher commenting on his "wealth of knowledge" in science. He got 3s in Reading, Math and Oral Language and a 2 in Written Language/Composition, which is definitely the thing he struggles with the most.

In terms of standardized testing they administered a reading assessment, math assessment and an oral comprehension assessment at the beginning of the year. Charlie got 100% on the reading and 100% on the math. The oral comprehension he got a 70% on but his teacher said that this was because the test involved listening to a story about a girl playing dress up and then answering questions about it, and he totally tuned her out. If it was about lizards, she said, he would have aced it.

He thankfully continues to be well behaved and considerate in class, and gets along well with his classmates.

Good job Charlie!

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