Monday, May 6, 2013


My plan this morning was to put Charlie on the bus and then head over to Harvard Square to meet Katie and Kyla at the playground there, but since the fog was slow to burn off this morning making it downright chilly we decided to meet at the Childrens Museum instead.

At South Station I rode the elevator up to the concourse with a woman and her baby, and we struck up a conversation. It turned out that she also lives in Quincy and was heading to the museum as well. We had time to kill since we were an hour early for the museum opening so we grabbed a table together and got to know each other a little bit.. It turns out that she does not drive either, having grown up in European cities where nobody drives? I don't know ;-) She also has a membership to every Boston institution and then some, including the Aquarium, zoo, Science Museum, Isabelle Stewart Gardner museum, Museum of Fine Arts, etc, and religiously takes her 7 month old (whom she adopted) to all of them. We exchanged numbers and are going to the zoo on Monday, which I have heretofore avoided since it involves taking a bus and I have never been sure about managing the stroller on a bus, but she is meeting me beforehand so we can go together; it is great to meet someone who is actually more adventurous than I am regarding taking kids on public transportation ;-) She also lives in the Marina Bay section of Quincy which is beautiful during the summer and she has a pool and has already invited us over when the weather gets warmer.

So as you can tell I am excited to have randomly met a new friend today!

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