Monday, June 30, 2014

Reading Readiness

Last week I bought Amelia 2 kindergarten work books and she has already blown through one and started the second. We'll see how long liking "homework" lasts!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Weekend Update

The kids wrapped up their second week of summer camp this week and are still thoroughly enjoying it -- this week's theme (in addition to the usual tennis & swimming) was to build a cardboard arcade; the kids all teamed up and made arcade games out of cardboard and various other supplies, which they then spray painted and played. Next week, unfortunately, there is no camp as it is closed for 4th of July week. Amelia has continued to improve her swimming skills and can now dive down and swim underwater long enough to swim through someone's legs or retrieve a toy from the bottom of the pool, which she was practicing last weekend but really couldn't do. 

On the work front I start my new job tomorrow -- keeping my fingers crossed that it is a good fit for me this time!! I dug Mandy's bike out of the garage last week (and yes dug is the appropriate word) and rode it to my new work and back (sidewalks all the way). The front wheel was iffy so it is currently at a bike shop but I'm picking it up tomorrow at some point after work and should be good to start riding it to work on Tuesday!

Mike got word from his job that his last day will be July 15th (although they will pay him through the end of July and he then has vacation time and a flexible spending account that cashes out) so he is hitting the proverbial pavement. He talked to another recruiter on a Friday and sent out some resumes over the weekend; he also has still not heard back about the job he interviewed for at Novant; either way we are hopeful that a job offer will be coming along shortly. 

Meanwhile the kids are excited for a 4th of July that actually involves fireworks ( they're legal here!) and a parade for which they are decorating their scooters. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Blue Band

In the course of one week Amelia has gone from being able to doggy paddle a few feet to being able to swim the width of the pool without stopping -- since she has literally been in the pool every single day for the past 9 days and counting, this shouldn't surprise me. After she begged me to let her take her "blue band" test at the JCC, I finally agreed. For the blue band you have to be able to swim the width of the diving well; this allows you to use the water slide. Amelia passed the test, went down the slide once and announced she didn't like it. I asked her why and she answered, "I don't like the way you fall into the water, I don't like going very fast, and I'm afraid of heights!" All perfectly good reasons to not like the water slide. 

Here she is showing off her blue band before she took it off and went back in the baby pool :-)

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Monday, June 16, 2014

First Day Of Summer Camp

The kids had their first day of summer camp at the Beverly Crest clubhouse today. They both had a great time, and after playing tennis in the morning and spending 2 hours in the pool in the afternoon Amelia is sound asleep on the couch and Charlie is in bed under his covers on his iPad, with an hour and a half to go till dinner, much less bed time!

Here's a picture of them before they headed off this morning:

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Weekend Update

We kicked off the weekend with an early birthday celebration for Ben and with the news that I landed the job I had interviewed for on Thursday; a part time job (20 to 30 hours per week) at Carrington Place, a skilled nursing facility that is a 5 minute drive down the street. The job is Monday through Friday so STILL NO WEEKENDS and so much closer and more convenient than the assisted living job I have been doing, which is too far, too little hours and too much of a pain to get new referrals. The new job also has the added bonus that it is part time not per diem so a) I am guaranteed at least 20 hours per week and b) I get paid time off. 

On Saturday the Kaplans left for their annual vacation in Hilton Head and we had a relaxing day which involved going to the pool, then picking up some needed things for summer camp which is starting tomorrow, grocery shopping and bringing home Chinese food for dinner. 

Today the kids and I fixed breakfast for Mike for Fathers Day, then we had pizza, apps and beer at BeanTown Tavern, a Boston themed sports bar that is all of 2 miles away and broadcasts all the Boston sports games. We watched a few innings of the Red Sox game and then headed to the pool. 

Tomorrow is the kids' first day of summer camp! Amelia, at least, is super super excited! Charlie, less so ;-)

Also tomorrow I get to give notice at my job, after working there a whole 2 weeks. (That should go over well.) We are also keeping our fingers crossed and double crossed that Mike hears good news from Novant Healthcare tomorrow or Tuesday regarding the position he interviewed for a week ago,  too!! 

Here's a picture of the kids at the splash park on Saturday and of Mike at the bar today:

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Neighborhood Pizza Party

Our neighbors threw an end-of-the-school-year-pizza-party this evening and the kids partied HARD! Here are a bunch of pics; the boys spent their time playing frisbee then football then soccer then kickball in the street while the girls congregated in the garage and put on a performance of "Let It Go" for the grown ups. The ice cream truck even showed up -- what a party! Here are a bunch of pics. 

First Lizard Catch

Charlie caught his first lizard today. He called it "the greatest catch of my life." Unfortunately it wriggled away moments later. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Busy Weekend

We had a busy but fun weekend. Friday night we went out for dinner and gelato and then Mommy and Amelia enjoyed some girl time, shopping for clothes. 

On Saturday we took the kids to see Maleficent and to dinner at Wolfgang Puck Pizza Bar, which was delicious. Mike and I also treated ourselves to new sunglasses, since mine had been broken since last summer and Mike's have been mysteriously misplaced. Sunglasses are a necessity for summer in Charlotte, especially with spending so much time at the pool! Mike also exchanged his phone at the apple store for a new one because his apparently had a defective receiver. 

Today we had been planning to take the kids to the pool but it rained in the afternoon so we went to Ray 's Splash Planet instead, since we were all already in our bathingsuits. Rays Splash planet is an indoor water park that is ridiculously cheap -- $6 for kids and $8 for adults -- because it is somehow part of the county's parks and rec department ( go figure. ) The kids had a great time -- here are a few pictures:

A Little Street Frisbee After Dinner

Friday, June 6, 2014

Keep Your Fingers Crossed!

Mike interviewed at Novant Healthcare this morning. He should know if he got the job by the end of next week!

Even if he didn't, he cleans up pretty good ;-)

A Whale Of A Dress

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Trial Day of Pre-K & Other News

Amelia went to a free "discovery day" at her soon to be pre-school, Chesterbrook Academy, today. She was so excited to go that she was up and dressed at the crack of dawn and badgering me to do her hair. 

Since the pre-school is right in the development I was able to walk her to school before I went to work, which was super nice! After a slightly rocky separation she had a great day, and says she can't wait to go back in the fall. 

In other news I worked a half day Monday and a half day today at my new job, and am heading back in tomorrow morning and Friday morning. While I am not exactly sure that the half days are going to cut it in terms of income , they sure are nice!

Here is Amelia before school this morning:

Sunday, June 1, 2014