Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Trial Day of Pre-K & Other News

Amelia went to a free "discovery day" at her soon to be pre-school, Chesterbrook Academy, today. She was so excited to go that she was up and dressed at the crack of dawn and badgering me to do her hair. 

Since the pre-school is right in the development I was able to walk her to school before I went to work, which was super nice! After a slightly rocky separation she had a great day, and says she can't wait to go back in the fall. 

In other news I worked a half day Monday and a half day today at my new job, and am heading back in tomorrow morning and Friday morning. While I am not exactly sure that the half days are going to cut it in terms of income , they sure are nice!

Here is Amelia before school this morning:

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