Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Mid Week Update

Yesterday was Mike's last day of work at ActioNet, the company he worked for up in Massachusetts. This afternoon he had an interview at Wells Fargo, which he says went really well, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that he'll have another job super soon!

Otherwise the week has been uneventful; Caroline has been easy to watch and has been sleeping/going to bed fine. Amelia, on the other hand has been juuuuust a little bit jealous because a large part of her snuggle time with Mommy has been usurped this week! 

Work has been going well and is busy -- I was hired for 20 hours a week but have steadily been doing more, with this week looking like it will be over 25 hours. 

Mandy and Joel's renters move out a week from Saturday, we are so excited to soon be getting into our house! The house should be empty by the 27th and we have a painter scheduled for the 28th and 29th. New carpet is scheduled for the 30th and all our stuff from MA is coming sometime between the 31st and 6th. Very exciting!!

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