Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Short But Sweet

We said goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa this morning after a too-short but great visit; they arrived in time to attend our back to school pool party Saturday night. Sunday they took Amelia and I out shopping for some much needed kitchen/household items and then we had a barbecue in the afternoon, which most of the Kaplans attended, including Joel's father Mort. 

Monday I had to work in the morning but in the afternoon we headed out (again with Amelia (because she generally doesn't mind being schlepped around) to the bike shop, where we dropped off an old bike of Ben's to be fixed up for Charlie. (Having determined that we couldn't raise the seat up on Charlie 's bike because it was damaged and that Charlie's bike also only had rear brakes instead of both front and back.)

Afterwards Grandma and Grandpa treated us to dinner at Brio, a yummy Italian restaurant. 

Thanks for the great visit Grandma and Grandpa!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for the hospitality and the wonderful Red Sox guest room:)