Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Pen Pals

Charlie and his cousin Jay have started writing letters back and forth in an effort by Alex and Miki to improve Jay's writing. Charlie has taken the task on willingly -- Jay not so much, judging from his letter: "My mom is making me write to you!" ;-)

Dear Diary

"Mom, remember how you said when I'm older I can read your old diaries...?" 

Nice try kid...

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Finally! A Jungle Themed Room!

Birthday Invitations

Amelia passed out birthday invitations to her friends on our street today -- her party is Saturday January 10th at 2:00pm and includes a special surprise guest!!

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Early Birthday Present

Amelia got her birthday present early this evening, thanks to an hour wait at The Cheesecake Factory, where we ventured out to dinner after being cooped up in the house all day. 

Here she is, reveling over her 2nd American Girl doll in 2 days...

Friday, December 26, 2014

Feeling Well Enough To Play Jenga

I took Amelia to the doctor this afternoon, who pronounced his opinion that she has a double ear infection AND the flu, but she rebounded enough with Motrin and her first dose of antibiotics to play Jenga with me...

Christmas At Great Wolf Lodge

After we opened presents yesterday we headed over to Great Wolf Lodge to enjoy some water park fun with the Kaplans. Unfortunately Amelia started complaining that her ear hurt last night and was up all night with an ear ache, and Mike was under the weather as well -- we have definitely been passing around the flu or something similar since I was sick last week! But Charlie had plenty of water park fun and Amelia had a great time yesterday afternoon until she got sick after dinner. 
Here are pictures:

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Morning

The kids pulled in quite the haul this Christmas! Highlights included a PS4 and basketball hoop for Charlie and an American Girl doll with lots accessories for Amelia. After the kids opened their presents Mandy and the kids came over for breakfast and Mandy helped clean up the war zone that the living room had become! Here are some pictures: 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve 2014

Lots of presents under the tree and Christmas brownies for Santa...

Sunday, December 21, 2014


I took Amelia to see the movie "Annie" this morning, while Mike took Charlie & Ben to see "The Hobbit". Since the original "Annie" was, I am fairly certain, the first movie I ever saw in a movie theatre, I was excited to bring Amelia to see the remake. Here she is in front of the movie poster :-)

Puppy Cuteness

Friday, December 19, 2014

Amelia's Turn For A Pajama Party

Amelia had her pre-school Christmas party today, which involved pjs, watching The Polar Express, and a book exchange. 

Charlie Is A Little Excited About Being Off For 2 Weeks...

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Holiday Cookies

For Charlie & Amelia's teachers. Unfortunately I am home sick with the flu so they fall into the "eat at your own risk" category. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Rebecca Update

Hard to tell if Rebecca is more scared or less scared this week? She certainly spends more time running around the house! Yesterday and today she has been taking off and running upstairs to Charlie's room, then I'll call her and she'll jump clear over his bed and come running downstairs again. Lather rinse repeat. I am going with this being an improvement over last week? She does seem to perk her ears forward more and to cower somewhat less... Here she is laying on Charlie's bed this afternoon in between sprints...

Sunday, December 14, 2014


(But still petrified.)

Unevenly Matched

Happy Birthday Caroline!

We celebrated Caroline's 3rd birthday this afternoon with the Kaplan clan. Among her birthday loot is the below pictured four wheeler which of course Amelia now wants for HER birthday next month...

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Thanks For The Shopping Spree, Grammy & Grampy!

Grammy and Grampy sent each of the kids $50 in Christmas money; Amelia had a thoroughly good time spending her money at Toys R Us, while Charlie is holding on to his (along with his report card money) for some as yet to be determined big ticket item..

Friday, December 12, 2014

The New Face Of (Doggy) Depression

After a traumatic play date with Clara she hid upstairs in Charlie's room until Mike retrieved her. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Ginger Bread Cookies

The annual baking & decorating of the ginger bread cookies -- Charlie was too cool to partake but Amelia proclaimed that her favorite thing about the holidays is baking with Mommy :-)

A Long Way To Go...

But we're starting to see flashes of normal dog instead of a poor pathetic cowering puppy. Lighten up, Rebecca -- life's not so bad!!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Connect Four Marathon

(What does it say that both the kids were able to beat Mike fair and square but that I wasn't? Lol. Also both Charlie and Amelia beat me multiple times -- I clearly need to brush up on my Connect Four skills...)

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Christmas Cards & Holiday Baking

I spent a lazy Sunday baking ricotta cookies (recipe courtesy of Aunt Kathleen) and addressing Christmas cards. 

This afternoon Mandy came over and Mike and I went out to get some Christmas shopping done and to dinner. 

Rebecca continues to scare easily but did spend some time up on the couch next to Mike this morning so we'll call that improvement ;-)

Saturday, December 6, 2014

A Day Of Exploring

Rebecca actually spent a lot more time out of her dog bed today than I thought she would! Here are some pictures:

Friday, December 5, 2014

Rebecca Robinson

We settled Rebecca in to her new home this evening. She is definitely extremely shy and has so far shown no inclination to move from her dog bed, but she is not the quivering mess we were expecting her to be. She loves being petted and let both kids pet her with no issues and even let Amelia drape herself across her back. 

I have her food near her for now and was told to expect she wouldn't eat until we were sleeping, at first. I also expect I will have to carry her out to use the bathroom for the first few times until she gets used to it. 

She's definitely a sad little soul, we're hoping she comes out of her shell with lots of loving!

Here are a few pictures: