Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Amelia's First Report Card

Amelia came home with her first report card today! Her teacher wrote that she's doing "exceptionally well" with literacy, has met the literacy goals for pre-k and is working on sight words, creative spelling and writing more independently.  She is "always the first to raise her hand in group discussions and always has an intelligent answer." That "like in literacy, she is mastering more and more goals in mathematics each day" and is doing basic addition and subtraction and seems to "really enjoy" problem solving. That she has mastered her social emotional skills, is excellent with using words to express her feeling and solve conflicts, and that she "treats all adults with great respect and is a joy to have in class."

Awwwww way to go Amelia!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome! Such a smarty pants:)