Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Congrats To A Terrific Kid!

Charlie's teacher called me at 8:30 last night to inform me that Charlie was her class's recipient of the Terrific Kid Award for the month of March, and that there was an awards ceremony this morning that I was invited to attend. 

March's character trait was courage, and when Charlie's name was called the presenter informed us that "Charlie's classmates tell us that he exhibits the trait of courage because he is not afraid to turn over a log and pick up any critter he finds under there!" Yup that's my boy!

Here he is waiting in line with the other third graders to be presented his certificate (only a head or so taller than the other kids!):
With his certificate:
And a group shot (they stuck him in the back row with the fifth graders)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

congrats Charlie!