Monday, November 9, 2015

Race Day Approaches

Marathon week has finally arrived! 

We started off the week with Amelia sick -- she spiked a fever Saturday afternoon and again Sunday afternoon and has been ridiculously tired for the past week, falling asleep at the drop of a hat and an hour early for bed, which I had up until this point been attributing to the time change. I stayed home with her today and she slept for several hours in the middle of the day and fell asleep again at 7pm (an hour earlier than her bedtime) but did not spike a fever and complained only minimally that her "eyes hurt" which was her predominant complaint over the weekend. So I am hoping hoping hoping that she is on the mend, and that the fact that *my* eyes are starting to feel like they hurt, along with my throat, is a figment of my imagination. 

Staying home today did allow me to go on a cleaning frenzy, cleaning and organizing Amelia and Charlie's rooms, as well as multiple closets in the house, doing laundry and starting to pack my overnight bag for the race. 

This week involves only minimal running -- two 3 mile runs and a 2 mile walk before the big day, so I am basically trying to lay off the Halloween candy and Oreos this week so I don't blow up like a tick before race day... 

Meanwhile I'm super nervous and excited and looking forward to seeing Phil & Sue and Mom & Dad for a super fun filled weekend!! 

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