Monday, February 29, 2016

Yet Another Jasper Update

Jasper is having surgery for his dislocated left patella on Thursday morning. He had his consult this morning, where the surgeon explained that the dislocation is due to an abnormal  insertion of his patellar tendon, and that he suspects some abnormality of the groove where his patella sits as well. He said that despite Jasper's slip in the mud with Mike, which we thought precipitated the incident, he doubted the dislocation had to do with trauma, and that it is congenital. I emailed the breeder because I remembered signing paperwork that guaranteed him to be free of congenital defects for two years. Unfortunately that paperwork just gaurantees me a puppy free of charge from a future litter. Because I need another puppy like a hole in my head  :-(

Leap Day Weather

I'll take it!!

Saturday, February 27, 2016


Ahhh Saturday Morning!

Dunkin donuts coffee, Amelia doing a jigsaw puzzle on the coffee table, and a lame dog by the fire...

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Jasper Update

Mike took Jasper to the vet this morning, where they sedated him and x-rayed his back leg. The verdict is apparently that his patella was dislocated, and although the vet was able to put it back into place, he may need surgery if it doesn't stay put. They gave him a dose of steroids for the inflammation around the joint and we're keeping our fingers crossed. Jasper, for his part, continues to be as ridiculously pathetic as possible and still will not put any weight on his leg :-( 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Weekend Recap

Jasper went from extremely gimpy yesterday to only mildly gimpy today, so I'm hoping that's a good sign?? 

Last night Mandy and I had a much needed girls night out which involved wine, yummy food and coffee -- a great night!

Today Mike and I cleaned the house. Fortunately it was 70 degrees today so the kids were outside for almost the whole day. 

Now if I could just get up the energy to shower, I'd be ready to start the week! 

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Pathetic Pup

Poor Jasper hurt his leg the other day when he was out for a walk with Mike. He limped off and on the following day but then Friday he seemed completely fine. We breathed a sigh of relief but then this morning -- after initially seeming fine -- he started hobbling on it again :-( Looks like a trip to the vet might be in his future after all :-( 

Monday, February 15, 2016


It was cloudy so the kids didn't have school today. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Hot Chocolate By The Fireplace

Happy Valentine's Day!

The kids sugared up before 8am and breakfast in bed :-)

Valentine's Date

Mike planned a great Valentine's Eve date night which involved a stop at our favorite wine bar, The Wooden Vine, a horse drawn carriage ride through the old city, and a delicious dinner at Fig Tree. Yum!

Hearts A Bustin' 5K

Mike routed me out of bed yesterday for a Valentine's 5K -- Unknown apparently to either of us, it was a trail 5k, run entirely through the woods on a dirt trail. Trail running is much harder than running on pavement -- you can't run as fast, have to constantly watch your feet so you don't trip, and have a hard time passing people. In short, not my kind of run and definitely not a good first 5k for Mike!

Despite that, I finished in 29:59 getting the third place medal for women aged 35-39, and Mike finished in 32 minutes and change, getting the 2nd place medal for men aged 45-49.  Way to smoke your first 5k, Mike!!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Super Bowl 50

Lots of food, wine, yummy dessert -- the only thing missing was a Panthers win!

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Beeper the Sweeper

After our vacuum cleaner bit the dust and one of our neighbors raved about the irobot Roomba, we bit the bullet and bought one yesterday since they were on sale at Best Buy. Amelia promptly named it Beeper the Sweeper, and guess what? Now I'm drinking coffee while it vacuums the entire downstairs -- YEAH!!

Friday, February 5, 2016


We FINALLY enrolled Amelia in tumbling class with Rebecca -- the class is ages 6 and up, so we finally met the requirement! Amelia was EXHAUSTED when we got home -- I've never seen a kid go to bed that fast in my life! 

But she had a great time -- finally a place where she's SUPPOSED to do cartwheels!!

Report Cards

The kids brought home their report cards this afternoon -- Amelia's was all "3"s, which is the highest mark they give kindergarteners except for reading, for which they grade 1 to 4. Her reading has progressed from an "A" level to a "D" level, with the expectation that she'll be at least an "E" by the end of kindergarten. Her teacher wrote that she has a great attitude, respects her teachers and peers, and is always ready to learn new things. 

Charlie brought home a straight "A" report card, with both his English teacher and his homeroom teacher writing "conduct is excellent" in the comments section. 

Way to go kiddos!!! Super proud!

Panthers Nation

I was conscripted into Panthers Nation upon my arrival to work this morning-- with the Panthers in the Super Bowl for the first time in 12 years people are juuust a little excited in these parts! 
With my fellow New Englander, Linda, who was also forced into Panthers gear:
The entire rehab team in Carolina Panthers gear:
Tailgate party:

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Math Homework

I am getting tutored at work so I can help Charlie with his math homework, or at the very least check it! I am realizing that my having been in slow poke math and Charlie being in advanced math is NOT a good combination! And no, I still cannot get through one of these problems entirely on my own, sigh.