Thursday, March 31, 2016

Mid Week Update

The kids are on spring break this week, which means Mike has been working from home and I have been working longer hours at work, filling in for co-workers who took time off.

In other news, I booked Charlie's 10th birthday party today; he is having a game truck come to the house (a gigantic truck that accommodates up to 20 people on leather couches playing video games, what's not to like in the world of a 10 year old boy? Actually, I had to sell him on it with the help of cousin Ben, go figure.) This, I have decided, is his last big birthday party -- from here on after he will be relegated to the world of taking one or two kids to dinner and a movie or having a few kids sleep over. I can't believe I'll have a kid in double digits in a little over a month!!

In blogging news, you may have noticed I am only updating once or twice a week with multiple "catch up" posts on those days -- that is because my trusty blogging app on my phone has decided to call it quits and will not upload any pictures to my blog. Since 99% of what I post are pictures and 99% of my blogging up until this point has been done on my phone, this has been putting a crimp in my style!! I tried deleting and reinstalling the app with no luck, so until it miraculously fixes itself I have to actually (gasp) find time to sit down at the computer to blog.

Easter Sunday

We had a low key Easter; the kids were up early getting sugared up on Easter candy. I did another 12 mile run in preparation for next month's half marathon and then cooked a pot roast. Heather and Matt and their friend Roger (who just moved to Charlotte from MA and is staying with them until he finds an apartment) came for dinner.

Here are the kids with their Easter baskets and sampling a virgin Moscow Mule (we are still attempting to replicate the Moscow Mules we had the other week!):

Saturday, March 26, 2016

That's A Keeper!

Charlie bought five packs of football cards with his Easter money from Grammy and Grampy (thank you Grammy and Grampy!!) First card in the first pack? Tom Brady, of course!!

Turtle Girl

This is a random text that Amelia sent to Mike the other day. (And this would also be why I refuse to giver her anyone else's phone number to text, except for me, Mike and Charlie!)

Career Aspirations

Here is an excerpt from Amelia's March writing journal:

When I asked Amelia why she wanted to be a dermatologist she said, "Because I love pets, especially kittens!!" Umm ok, I think the word you were looking for was "veterinarian" but I definitely think we ought to consider this dermatology thing further...

Meet Riley

Heather and Matt are fostering a very cute very overweight corgi named Riley! He is quite a little character -- here he is the other day with a sock in his mouth -- he found it on the ground while we were taking him for a walk and absolutely WOULD NOT let anyone take it from him!

Self Portrait

Amelia came home the other day with a picture of herself that she drew in art class; not realizing that her art skills have now surpassed my own, I said to her "Amelia did you accidentally bring someone else's artwork home?" before I saw her name at the top -- bad mommy!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Jasper On The Mend

Jasper got his staples out last Thursday and so is free of the cone of shame! He is also almost done with pain medication and is allowed to take 5 to 10 minute walks! He is still,however, restricted to the kitchen for fear of running/dislodging hardware by jumping up or down on furniture, and he must stay on leash for another 5 1/2 weeks. But all in all he is a much happier dog than he was a couple weeks ago!

Only In Charlotte...

... is it 35 degrees in the morning and 70 degrees in the afternoon, necessitating these wardrobe choices:

A Night Out

On Saturday night Mike and I went out to a restaurant/bar called Soul Gastrolounge, which was recommended by a co-worker of mine. The don't take reservations and are always packed, but the food was well worth the hour wait! As were the moscow mules, which are famous in Charlotte for good reason!

My babysitter took one look at my shirt and informed me she hadn't yet been born in 1991:
And here is the aforementioned moscow mule:

I Suppose There Are Worse Things,,,

.... than barely being able to get her inside for dinner1

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Kindergarten Primaries

Amelia did her civic duty today in the kindergarten primaries, but she couldn't quite remember who she voted for ;) She thinks possibly it was Bernie Sanders but assures me it wasn't Trump ;)

Get Well Jasper

Our neighbor Jack and his dog Beau dropped off treats and a cute homemade card for Jasper on Sunday. Thanks Jack & Beau -- Jasper is feeling the love!


The kids (and adults!) thoroughly enjoyed Zootopia Sunday Night!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Whirlwind Weekend

I blinked and the weekend's over?? I can only blame daylight savings for a missing hour of it! 

Saturday we enjoyed the nice weather outside in the morning and then Mike took care of Costco and some errands in the afternoon. Saturday night I went over to a friend's house for a psychic party, and then this morning I did a 10 mile run. 

We took the kids to see Zootopia this evening, by way of a hair cut for Charlie and an early dinner at Smashburger. 

And so ends the weekend :-(

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Sunny Saturday

The kids enjoying an 80+ degree Saturday

NC State Constitution Preamble

Charlie was assigned to memorize the preamble to the North Carolina state constitution by his social studies teacher; a form of hazing in my opinion, as I have had to listen to both children muttering it under their breath for two weeks now! He finally got it down pat and recited it for his teacher, so hopefully we can put it behind us now!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Running Update

I am officially training for the Race Fest 1/2 marathon on April 16th and Mike is training for the 10k! We have a babysitter booked for the night of the 15th and will be staying uptown near the starting line. Looking forward to a great run!

Pathetic Pup (Part 2)

Jasper had his surgery on Thursday and has been occupying large quantities of my time ever since! In addition to having to wear an ungainly e-collar 99.9% of the time, having 3 scheduled meds at different 12 hour intervals, and until this afternoon requiring two people to take him outside because of his refusal to do stairs, he has also decided that he will not eat or drink without extreme amounts of coercion :-( Here's my pathetic pup in all his glory: