Thursday, March 31, 2016

Mid Week Update

The kids are on spring break this week, which means Mike has been working from home and I have been working longer hours at work, filling in for co-workers who took time off.

In other news, I booked Charlie's 10th birthday party today; he is having a game truck come to the house (a gigantic truck that accommodates up to 20 people on leather couches playing video games, what's not to like in the world of a 10 year old boy? Actually, I had to sell him on it with the help of cousin Ben, go figure.) This, I have decided, is his last big birthday party -- from here on after he will be relegated to the world of taking one or two kids to dinner and a movie or having a few kids sleep over. I can't believe I'll have a kid in double digits in a little over a month!!

In blogging news, you may have noticed I am only updating once or twice a week with multiple "catch up" posts on those days -- that is because my trusty blogging app on my phone has decided to call it quits and will not upload any pictures to my blog. Since 99% of what I post are pictures and 99% of my blogging up until this point has been done on my phone, this has been putting a crimp in my style!! I tried deleting and reinstalling the app with no luck, so until it miraculously fixes itself I have to actually (gasp) find time to sit down at the computer to blog.

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