Monday, July 7, 2008

Charlie's Day

Every time I pick Charlie up from school I ask him the same question: "What did you do today?" I am always greeted with the same answer: silence. He completely ignores me, his short term memory apparently not developed enough to answer this question. Until today.

I start with the usual, "Did you have fun today, Charlie?" as I get him buckled into his stroller. To my surprise, he answers with an enthusiastic "Yeah!" So I press on: "What did you do?"
"Stomp bugs!"
I look at him blankly for a minute, thinking I misunderstood him. "You did what?"
"Stomp bugs -- ants!" He demonstrates with his foot.
Nice. The first time my kid actually remembers his day enough to tell me about it, it was because he was snuffing out the lives of innocent creatures. Maybe I should go back to calling him Charlie Manson after all.


Kathy Quirk said...

It doesn't get any better as they get older....that particular question in my world us usually answered with "nothing"

Kathy Quirk said...

Hey, how do you add a star tracker?