Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Kindness of Strangers

This afternoon while taking the train home from daycare, Charlie kicked me.
ME: No kicking, Charlie.
CHARLIE: Haha! (Kicks me again.)
ME: (sternly) NO kicking. You do not kick people, understand me?
CHARLIE: Hahaha! (Kicks me again.)
ME: (yet more sternly) Stop -- you do not kick. Are you all done with Baxter? Mommy is going to take Baxter away if you kick one more time.
CHARLIE: Noooo! (clutching Baxter the bunny to his chest.)

At this point the train arrives at our stop and I mercifully don't have to carry out my threat. As I lug Charlie off the train a woman approaches me on the platform.
WOMAN: How old is he?
ME: He's two.
WOMAN: I have a 13 month old and it is just starting with him.

Thanks, lady, for letting me know that I and my unruly child were the center of attention on the train...

1 comment:

Kathy Quirk said...

Don't worry Abbey...there will be plenty of instances where you will see some other child being a complete wretch and you will be validated in saying "my kid doesn't act THAT bad"...how's the new job?