Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My Diet

Breakfast: Cream of wheat with skim milk.

Lunch: Low fat string cheese, an apple, a 4 oz organic yogurt, exactly one serving of mixed nuts, and a diet Coke.

Afternoon Snack: A banana.

Dinner: A big Mac and french fries.

Hmmm I am thinking dinner needs a little work. So does the Ben & Jerry's ice cream I am about to have for dessert.


Kathy Quirk said...

that's ok Abbey, I'm about to go make friends with a brand new package of double stuffed oreos..they look loney in the closet and everyone else is asleep so I can't get caught!

Heather Moran said...

Isn't there something about some road to somewhere that is paved with something? My diet is always perfect until cocktail time.
Love yer blog
Aunt Barb