Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Shelter from the Storm

This afternoon Charlie and I got caught in a torrential downpour on the way home from daycare -- it necessitated a 45 minute interlude in Starbucks to wait until the rain let up.
Here is Charlie mesmerized by the rain:

Unfortunately this fascination did not last very long; he spent most of the rest of the time literally trying to swing from the Starbucks sign in the window, and jumping from the window sill to the couch (in other words, pretty much what he does at home.) This lasted until a Starbucks employee came over and pointedly gave me a stack of little cups for him to play with. Ummpf.

On review, this post could also be called 'Why I Need a New Camera Phone for my Birthday' because the picture quallity is so bad.


Amanda said...

heh - then i must REALLY need a new camera phone for my birthday ;) yours looked pretty good to me.

Abigail said...

That was after I sharpened the image on photobucket though.