Thursday, November 20, 2008

Weekend Activities

This week my "weekend" is friday and saturday, because I am working sunday so I can take the friday after thanksgiving off without having to use a personal day.

So I am kicking off my weekend tomorrow by taking Charlie to the allergist. The allergist grudgingly agreed at our last appointment that we could re-test Charlie for his egg allergy after he turned two, probably just to get me off her back, seeing as our last appointment we went around in circles. (Allergist: "Charlie will never outgrow his egg allergy unless you completely elimintae eggs from his diet until he turns atleast 5 or 6." Me: "Charlie has never had an allergic reaction to eggs or anything with eggs in it." Allergist: "But if you don't atleast try to significantly limit his exposure he'll never outgrow the allergy." Me: "But he's never...") Please wish for me that tomorrow's appointment is somehow more productive.

Saturday we are taking Charlie to get his hair cut in the morning and then for professional pictures in the afternoon in his new holiday duds so we can get our christmas cards made and sent out in a timely fashion this year. Wish us luck with that endeavor too.

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